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Guests Columnists alive and well

I nearly choked on my mock Raisin Bran cereal yesterday morning, and not because it was one of those fake in-store cheaper knock-offs of actual Raisin Bran called Branny-Raisin Delight (with two scoops o’ raisins!) or something, but because of what I was reading. 

Julia GorinIt was at the (the venerable Wall Street Journal’s online editorial source), a great source for intelligent editorials by unusually brilliant people—some of the most brilliant anywhere. That OpinionJournal is like a cheap knock-off of this web site.  I kid because I’m insanely jealous of their pull (mind you, the Wall Street Journal has been around since approximately the year 1492, and this site only since shortly after Al Gore invented the ‘Net). 

Julia Gorin, a comedian some of the time and writer some of the time, wrote the piece and although capable of writing witty pieces, was this time deadly serious.  It was about abortion, and what she’d read about it in a piece in Ms. Magazine.  I imagine she choked just a little as she read it, as I did.

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Blowing all the much-heralded by liberals U.S. Supreme Court pro-abortion decision —based on “privacy”— out the window, the ghouls at Ms. Magazine asks all its far-left liberal readers to fill out a form, including all of their identifying information, in order to promote abortion.  The ghoulish readers would proudly attach that information to a proclamation: “I had an abortion!”.  That list would then be made as public as possible.  Julia Gorin suggests perhaps they proudly proclaim that their mothers didn’t have an abortion.  But while Julia Gorin caught it, Ms. Magazine no doubt overlooked that bit of trivia. 

So of course I immediately wrote to Julia Gorin and asked if I could post her editorial here with her as a “Guest Columnist” as I sometime do, and she obliged us.  Apparently the National Post also asked her, and it will appear there too. 

Krista BoryskavichI also posted a column by Krista Boryskavich yesterday.  She’s a columnist for the Winnipeg Sun (Sun Media) and usually writes on lifestyle-related matters but nowadays she’s turning to things political on occasion.  Yesterday she wrote on the Conservative government’s plans to introduce more stringent justice for youths as young as ten years old, which Krista Boryskavich fully supports. 

Not much ink has been expended about this issue except by liberals, who are already taking to pretending that the plans are to throw all ten-year-olds who steal a chocolate bar from the corner store in jail without a trial —because of course that’s what us conservatives all want to do — hang ‘em high, especially if they’re non-white non-Christians!  Mercifully, none of the liberals mention anything about the fact that the little devils weren’t aborted of course, but there’s still lots of ink left in the canisters.

Anyway, these are a couple of good writers worth checking out, in addition to our usual permanent cadre of columnists!

A link to our latest in-house columns

Gorin – Petitioning for Life

Boryskavich – Kids, too, must be held accountable

Joel Johannesen
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