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Guerillas in our midst


While strolling through the park local mall one day

In the merry merry month of May June

I was taken by surprise
By a … what the hell is that poster?!

I actually physically zoomed-in to take a closer look.  Follow me in! 

You see those smelly lip-pierced hippies (and lots of other left-wing “progressives”) at nearly all protest rallies wearing Che Guevara t-shirts, all the time.  But you don’t often see posters in merchant shop windows advertising pro-Che Guevara events;  like at the local dry cleaners where they clean my business suits, at the mall, in small suburban towns.  This is manifestly because most people who are awake and are not high on pot know that Che Guevara was a murdering socialist guerrilla who helped bring communism and a tyrannical dictatorship to Cuba (it was a progressive “revolution”!), where the folks still bask in its “progressive”-ly worsening decrepitude to this day.

I thought it was especially tolerant—if incongruent—of them to allow this poster of the socialist murderer to be displayed since they’ve got this other li’l sticker just to the left of it:


When I got home I looked up the folks who were behind it (the commy event, not the CFIB free enterprise evil-doers) of course, but didn’t find much. Co-organized by the Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba and some other communists, admission $14 but nobody refused entry due to inability to come up with that kind of cash, owing to your proletariat victimness, yadda…

Here’s a passage on their web site, in which they review an event they’d organized previously:

The first speakers, Kira Koshelanyk and Jane Ivanova spoke about their experiences in Cuba on the Che Brigades, encouraging everyone to come next summer!

Following Kira and Jane, Colleen Glynn, President of the Richmond NDP and VCSC organizer, spoke about the gains of the Cuban revolution, and how we must continue to defend them.

That didn’t surprise me at all, and I’ll bet lots of Jack Layton’s NDP supporters were there because they want to bring Cuban style socialism/communism to Canada, as per their very hush-hush NDP mandate.  (So does Buzz Hargrove and a whole cadre of unionists, Marxists, Maoists, Stalinists, hairy-armpitted feminists, tatooed ‘n pierce-faced moonbats, and sundry liberals generally, etc., in Canada.)

So anyway, not that you need it because you’re likely not high on pot, but here’s some contra commy stuff that sprung to mind:  Our columnist Mike Adams once wrote a column that helped some of his university cohorts understand Che Guevara better, in a column called “Che! You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away”.  He included some Che quotes:

“A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate.” Che Guevara.

“If the nuclear missiles had remained we would have used them against the very heart of America, including New York City.” Che Guevara.

“We will march the path of victory even if it costs millions of atomic victims… We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm.” Che Guevara.

“Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls in my hands! My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial bowl.” Che Guevara.

“Don’t shoot! I’m Che, I’m worth more to you alive than dead.” Che Guevara.

“(T)o execute a man we don’t need proof of his guilt. We only need proof that it’s necessary to execute him. It’s that simple.” Che Guevara.

And here are some excellent t-shirts from one of those conservative, capitalist, freedom-loving t-shirt places. They take Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc. (and give nothing away for free no matter how “oppressed” you are, God love ‘em):


And here’s the free-enterprise-reliant merchant who made the oh-so-very tolerant questionable judgment call:



Joel Johannesen
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