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Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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Grewal’s accusers have links to Liberal-leftist Ujjal Dosanjh

I simply wouldn’t have time for this policy of “sticking with my team members no matter what”—or however the wording goes on the Conservative Party’s extremely poorly-written official internal “Go Team!” policy book.  I’d personally have given Gurmant Grewal a pink slip the moment the secret taping episode started, and then all this time he’d have been sitting as an independent.  In fact, I’d have questioned endorsing his candidacy from the get-go, quite frankly. 

But the fact that the name Ujjal Dosanjh (Liberal Party minister of our North Korean-style healthcare system, and a man who sounds very much like a communist to me) has come up again—is starting to make me wonder if our benevolent leader, Liberal Prime Minister Paul (“we lead the world”) Martin—shouldn’t part with a team member too.  I hope he doesn’t!

Grewal donor who wants tax receipt acknowledges ties to Dosanjh

The Vancouver businessman who is demanding a tax receipt for money he gave Conservative MP Gurmant Grewal two years ago says he is a member at large of Liberal Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh’s riding association.

[…] Mr. Mann’s admission follows one from Barj Dhahan, who is also demanding a tax receipt for a $600 donation he made to Mr. Grewal in 2003, that Mr. Dhahan and his wife hosted a coffee-and-dessert party for Mr. Dosanjh during the last federal election.

[…] B.C. Conservative MP John Reynolds says it sounds suspicious to him.

‘‘It seems to me rather strange that these gentlemen, one who is a member of [Mr. Dosanjh’s] riding association and the other who had a coffee party for Mr. Dosanjh, would all of a sudden come out with these accusations,’’ Mr. Reynolds said.

But I cannot understand for the life of me why someone would write a check out to Mr. Grewal—him personally—and then expect a tax receipt.  How dumb are these people?  On television, they certainly come off as very bright, intelligent people who know the political ropes—they’re clearly very involved in politics.  As Mr. Grewal stated, he’s not a registered charity, so he has no authority to issue tax receipts.  I’m willing to bet that everybody involved knows that.  Which makes this all the more suspicious.

And how is it that another supposedly unrelated person (well related only through Ujjal Dosanjh, who sounds very much like a communist to me) wrote a check for that exact same—and rather odd—amount of $600?  Why $600? And that other unrelated person also wrote the check out to Mr. Grewal personally—not the Party or the Grewal riding association, which obviously would have been authorized to issue a receipt. 

I wish we had a media that would think even for one second about investigating donations to Mr. Ujjal Dosanjh (who sounds very much like a communist to me).

Joel Johannesen
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