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Green Party Elizabeth May Blog compares Harper Conservative gov’t to Hitler’s Nazis

image Today the Green Party’s Elizabeth May Blog compared the Harper Conservatives to Hitler, and called for a World War II -style war to be waged with the left-wing parties in Canada on one side (they’d be the good guys!), and the Harper Conservatives on the other (they’d be the Hitler Nazis!).  And as I understand it, the war would be over all the “man-made global warming”.  (I’ll be waiting for the pacifists to start their “No blood for weather!” and “Harper lied, kids died!” and “National Universal Air Conditioning (and early learning —wink!) plan NOW!”… oh and “Socialist revolution now!” battle cries.) 

…Has Canada sunk this low, that we cannot do something about this foolish and irresponsible man who is destroying our international reputation – and our children’s future? We have three other elected parties in Ottawa that claim to ‘get’ the climate crisis, and who outnumber the Conservatives. Surely a coalition government is possible? That happened during the Second World War in England, after many years of British Conservatives appeasing Hitler for the sake of “the economy.”

—Brian Gordon
Nominated Candidate, Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca
Green Party of Canada

Trained Presenter
An Inconvenient Truth

May infamously made a related reference herself nearly a year ago, and felt obligated to apologize (which is to say apologize for the fact that we the dummies misunderstood her extreme wisdom and her highly intelligent reference).  It started when she reportedly, in a speech to a London Ontario United church congregation, compared Prime Minister Harper’s position on global warming to “a grievance worse than Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement of the Nazis”.  She later made this statement on her web site, which blamed author George Monbiot instead of herself:

“…I made reference to Mr. Monbiot’s statement to highlight the damage being done to Canada’s international reputation, something that should concern all Canadians.

“I deeply regret that the inflamed rhetoric around this issue has caused pain or offence.”

But today she says this in her blog (my highlighting):

…I was variously skewered and attacked last spring for mentioning how Canada’s international reputation had suffered, citing George Monibiot’s statement to make the point.. (No need to revisit the various ways that quoting George Monbiot was viewed as some sort of political equivalent of a kamikaze mission.)

I repeat those words now, not because I thirst for abuse, but because in the light of day, following Canada’s actions in Uganda, they seem an understatement.

But don’t worry, Harper is still the “extremist”.  The Conservatives are still the “extremists”.  And the right-wing in Canada is still “the extreme right-wing”.  Those other folks are “moderates”. 

P.S. The media doesn’t call her on it.  These people need to get a grip.  All of them.

Joel Johannesen
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