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Governments run a tight ship. Fully accountable. Have morals. Trustworthy. WAHAHAHAHA!

As if reading and hearing about the latest of the heroic Auditor-General Sheila Fraser’s now famous reports wasn’t enough (let me interrupt my thought to ask this question:  Is Sheila Fraser the world’s greatest Auditor-General, or was she just a supremely lucky lottery winner who happened to have had a Liberal-left government in power for those past 13 years?), I hear about a state-run lottery scheme being run like a shoddy rip-off Mafia-like Ponzi scheme. 

An Ontario watchdog group says that Ontario Lottery retailers, working in complicity with the state (or the “don”) are selling “scratch” tickets after the main prizes have already been won.  The question of the state being in any way even remotely involved in selling lottery tickets or trinkets of any kind notwithstanding, what kind of a government would authorize that sort of utterly disgusting scheme devoid of any morality whatsoever?  What kind of a person would authorize that?  Is he being fired today?  What about the retailers who were part of the scheme?  Is the state still knowingly selling false hope to folks who gleefully buy lottery tickets with no chance of winning?  Are they going to be fired in the next election?  Oh hey, how is that corrupt Liberal Party of Canada doing in the polls after the sponsorship scandal is still being criminally investigated? 

Do Ontario’s Soviet-style state-run liquor stores sell watered-down liquor?  You have to wonder, and in fact suspect that the answer might be yes (so buy two bottles of Scotch next time).  Too bad you don’t have any choice in the matter, unlike in the world of citizen/consumer freedom where there’s an election with every dollar and at every minute of every day. 

Annoyingly, the story is being reported on the state-run media, the people’s web site.  They’re the ones who hold themselves out to be fair, balanced, neutral, and objective in their broadcasting. 

Pausing for laughter.

No seriously!  So naturally I’m not at all sure if you can trust the story or not—probably not—nor whether I’ll get my legs busted-up with a bat for telling you about it, or what. 

Pull ‘misleading’ scratch tickets, gambling watchdog group urges

A national gambling watchdog group has raised new concerns about lottery scratch cards sold in Ontario, charging that current practices are unfair and misleading to the consumer.

The Gambling Watch Network filed a letter with Ontario’s ombudsman complaining that scratch tickets are sold even after the top prizes have been won. Brian Yealland, the group’s spokesman, said retailers should stop selling tickets if the buyer has no chance of winning the jackpot.

“People go on purchasing those tickets although they have no chance of winning, and it seems to us that this is a breach of the understanding one has in buying a ticket,” Yealland said.

Apparently in the land of the free, home of the brave, they’re already on it. 

This practice has been the subject of scrutiny and lawsuits in the United States, causing some state lotteries to include disclaimers on the tickets explaining that some prizes may already be won. In Iowa, instant win tickets are pulled from stores once the grand prizes have been claimed, said Tina Potthoff, a spokeswoman for the Iowa State Lottery.

Of course here in Canada, liberals are against that, by virtue of the fact that to follow their lead would be “American-style”, or “Bush boot-licking”, or “neo-conservative”, or “reading right out of the Republican Guidebook”, to directly quote liberals like Bill Graham, Ralph Goodale, or any member or supporter of the you’ve got to be kidding party that you care to mention. 

Like the arrogant asses that all Fabian socialist governments become after approximately 30 days of being what they presume to be the supreme power of all humanity in lieu of “God”, they offer this explanation to you, citizen, which you must accept: 

A spokesman for the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation said players can call a toll-free number printed on the back of each scratch and win ticket to find out which prizes are still available to be won.

Presumably you’ll ask the retailer if you can borrow a ticket, write down the number which is printed in typeface similar in size to a Coke bottle cap or Bob Rae’s common sense on the back of the ticket , and dial that number up, get an official state bureaucrat on the phone who is a supposed English-speaking “bilingual” in that I don’t understand what the frick that guy is saying to me kind of way, and meanwhile your bus will wait for you while you do this, and you will damn well like doing it.  It’s “toll free”!  (You know, like your medical care is free in Canada!  Nobody pays! It’s free!) 

Only a month ago we found where the state was clearly complicit with their retailers who they allowed to get away with miraculously “winning the lottery” some 300 or 400 percent more than they should have, statistically speaking.  When the state becomes complicit with citizens’ business with whom they have formed a “business” relationship, we call that “fascism”.  Liberals call it “sponsorship” or “ensuring that all citizens become totally reliant upon the state”.  And they slap one o’ them benevolent government sponsorship “sponsorship” logos all over it to prove it.

Last month, it was revealed that in the past seven years Ontario clerks and retailers have claimed lottery victories nearly 200 times. University of Toronto statistician Jeffery Rosenthal said the number should have been closer to 57, and was a nearly impossible statistical anomaly.


The state and many of its employees and operatives and its various contractors are working in cahoots with each other and not “tattletaling” on each other.  The Auditor-General proves that with every single report.  In Canada, the gangs of the liberal-left “progressive” Fabian socialist nutbarism have, over the years, neatly ensured that a huge and increasing number of us either work directly for one government or another, or for a branch of government, or an “arms-length” agency of the government, or a business that has been neatly tied and which has become totally reliant upon the benevolent state by way of “tax breaks” or loans or grants or “sponsorship” of one kind or another, or we have family, friends, or neighbors who do.  It’s a great scheme if you’re morally bankrupt and seek only power and a decline in civilization until such time as it matches your own depravity. 

Vote liberal! 

Oh yes and… death to America.

Joel Johannesen
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