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Globe & Mail writer claims English Canada “assails” Quebec’s niqab rules; G&M poll? Polar opposite!

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  It’s hard to know because I think the article was so badly written it’s almost impossible to read, but maybe Globe and Mail reporter Les Perreaux meant that he wished “English Canada” would “assail” Quebec’s firm stand against what some in Quebec rightly call English Canada’s “marshmallow multiculturalism” (but left-out the prefix “liberal-left” before English Canada”).

The reporter does make sure to use the terms “pitchfork-wielding redneck” and “the usual bigots” in his clumsy but ever so newsy “multiculturalism” report at the Globe and Mail

As one of their own commenters rightly pointed out:  ‘English Canada assails?’ I’m kinda po’ed that you’d say that to be honest, it’s like you’re attempting to put words in our mouths.”  Gee.  Ya think?  Or maybe you’re not just being sarcastic and you really are surprised that liberals and their media would attempt to do a thing like that in order to sway public opinion to their world view.

The Globe and Mail and Monsieur Perreaux must be po’ed at their own misfortune when they decided to ask their readers what they thought in an online poll, which shows that English Canada is doing the exact opposite of “assailing” the Quebec stance.  And that’s even with their poll question being so tendentiously worded it would make even the most ardent niqab-wearing Muslims squirm in their seat.  It’s so clearly phrased to garner the utmost rejection of what they speciously strain to refer to as “intolerance” — no sorry:  “pure intolerance”! — that it actually made me laugh.


Throughout the ridiculous article, Perreaux also strains to invoke the canard designed for the stupid people about niqab wearing being a Muslim religious matter, and conflating it with what appears to be his distaste for Catholicism and Quebec’s history of it (he refers to it as the “shackles of a repressive church” —but finds no such terminology for the religion of the niqab-wearing women of Islam).  Muslim, Catholic —it’s all the same, see?  He finds examples from among the formerly Catholic public, which he tries to fit within this paradigm and really, mocks himself in so doing.  But I was still laughing at the phrasing of the poll question, so I just kept laughing.

Joel Johannesen
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