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Globally warmed-over liberal-left political and media rhetoric is making me sick

I’d rather hear more about Anna Nichole Smith and see more of those butt-ugly photos of those hideously ugly breastmorphatons than listen to one more thing about the ridiculous Kyoto Accord or the less ridiculous but still utterly ridiculous nonetheless “man-made global warming” freak-out scare-a-thon currently being presented by liberals and their media and (political) “scientists” like the great zoologist The Prophet Suzuki. 

So I’m going to blockquote myself.  No, liberals, that isn’t some fancy new sex move or position, it’s a computer/web thing that bloggers and webmasters do.  Wait—no, it’s still not a sex move or position.  It’s a block of text I wrote in our Town Square Forums this morning in response to a liberal bitcher, in a thread started by someone else about the Conservative Party’s spot-on TV ads running in Ontario. 

My reference (at the very end) to using his keyboard’s spacebar has to do with “Pike’s” habitual failure to deploy the spacebar on his electrically-powered computer in the appropriate places. (I get picky when people tick me off).

I’m so tired of the vapid platitudes of holier-than-thou ever so trendy nouveau “environmentalists” like Pike (and every other Canadian and American liberal) who hold themselves out to be such exemplary analysts on the environmental repair file.  They have all the answe…. no wait —they have exactly no answers— all they have is bitching, criticizing, obfuscation and sundry covering-up of their own inaction on both a personal and a political/governmental level, more bitching, and more bitching— and vacuous visions of doom and gloom on the one hand, and magical Utopia on the other.  Oh and they’re also expert political analysts who in addition know truths that nobody else knows.  They’re readers of inner meanings.  Of hidden agendas.  Of election strategies not yet revealed.  Of when and why and how Harper and Ambrose and Baird came to the conclusions that they did. And the clearly nefarious reasons for their conclusions.

And they alone seem to know the “proven scientific fact” that conservatives are trying to ruin planet Earth and that they just don’t care about life.

Stop your ridiculous caterwauling and your arguing of empty points made over and over by liberals and their media for the past year or more.  We’ve all heard them through your obedient media over and over and over again to the point where the likes of the state-run CBC is just about breaking the bank regurgitating the Dion and Layton talking points vomit …for you, Pike, and your whining, intellectually dishonest tribe. 

That help should be enough help for you.  This space it not for that purpose.  This is not your liberal-left jackass jumping off point. Quite the contrary. 

Kyoto is a joke.  A scam.  The Conservatives’ vision is much better though not as perfect as yours surely is, Pike.  We’ve presented all manner of rationale for that argument here at PTBC over the years, backed-up by full-on science, by legitimate scientists, and by the usage of facts and some plain common sense.  If you’re too busy or lazy to go back and read them or any of the other 500,000 articles available to you on the web which would surely enlighten you, then take a hike. 

And before you turn off your electrical computer and leave your heated home and get in your jet and drive your car or take your diesel bus to the cliff side for that hike, find your freaking spacebar.  That’s the big one at the bottom that you depress after every period or comma.

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Joel Johannesen
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