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From the mail bag - August 17 2006

UPDATED – see below

Today in my mail bag so far this morning, among the other usual delightful gems, springs this one from a liberal terrorist-appeasing hate-mailer who is threatening us and rallying against us this fine morning, and against our columnist Barbara Kay and her latest column, “The rise of Quebecistan”

No, this person didn’t post a comment to her column, here, at least not that I know of, he just sent me the email.  It went exactly like this (including the bolding), and including the friendly “Hi” greeting:

DATE:  Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:19 AM
SUBJECT: Your are anti-Human

Hi, your journalist Barbara Kay is clearly anti-Quebec, racist, pro-war, anti-arab, anti-person and you should retract your article agains Gilles Duceppe. If not, you and your journal will be ask in court for the laws 318 and 319 of the Canadian criminal code. At least no one care about this boring journalist. WE are not Hezbolla, but we are again the killing of young girl in Lebanon, young girl are not Hezbollah.

For those of you who are interested in what the writer hopes to land me and Barbara Kay and the owners of editors of the National Post newspaper in jail for as criminals, it is for breaking “Hate Propaganda” laws in Canada.  That’s the part when folks like me allegedly advocate for genocide and hatred (you know, like Hezbollah does—we’re the same!), or, apparently, simply act like big fat meaniepants when it comes to talking about Islamofascist terrorists.  Could spend two years in jail for each count. 

Send money! 

UPDATE:  Barbara Kay has now written a followup to the editorial referred to above.

Here’s the original.
Here’s the followup.

Joel Johannesen
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