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Euroliberal French retreat right on schedule

Let’s pull a line from the middle of the article to bring into focus the real issue.  The “war”, if you will: 

The unemployment rate for youths under 26 is a staggering 22 percent nationwide, but soars to nearly 50 percent in some of those troubled areas.

This is what the left-wing in France desires of course.  They’re not against that.  The Marxist unions and extreme-left students in France (and likely everywhere including Canada) are in favor of this.  Efforts to turn that around by making people “actually work”, “hard”, and to “live in the real world”, and “take personal responsibility”, are against their liberal-leftist philosphy. 

And this is how Euroliberal France reacts to every war: 

Chirac to Scrap Part of Youth Jobs Law That Caused Protests

Monday, April 10, 2006

PARIS — President Jacques Chirac on Monday threw out part of a youth labor law that triggered massive protests and strikes, bowing to intense pressure from students and unions and dealing a blow to his loyal premier in a bid to end the crisis.

While some unions celebrated what they called “a great victory,” students who had planned more demonstrations appeared more cautious, saying their movement would continue for now.

Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, who devised the law, had faced down protesters for weeks, insisting that its most divisive provision — a so-called “first job contract” — was necessary to reduce high unemployment rates among French youths by making it easier for companies to hire and fire young workers.

[…] The crisis has discredited Chirac and devastated Villepin and his presidential ambitions — and thrown into question the government’s ability to push through painful reforms to help France compete in the global economy. The new measures increase the government’s role in the workplace instead of decreasing them, as Villepin had sought.

Students and other opponents had feared the previous measure would erode coveted job security — and some unions trumpeted the retreat by Chirac and his prime minister.

The labor law “is dead and buried,” said Jean-Claude Mailly of the Workers Force union. “The goal has been achieved.”

Alain Olive, secretary-general of the UNSA union, said, “After more than two weeks of intense mobilization, the 12 syndicated groups of workers, university and high school students have won a great victory.”

Joel Johannesen
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