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Fox News Channel is “Unfair” and “Unbalanced”, to liberals

  Liberals think that Fox News Channel isn’t fair and balanced because FNC doesn’t only tell the liberal angle to stories. Not telling the conservative angle is what liberals think is fair.  Again:  telling the conservative’s side in addition to the left’s side makes it unfair, and unbalanced.  See?

It’s amazing that you actually have to explain how liberals think—but it really is just that strange.  For example, liberals think the state-run taxpayer-funded CBC division of the Liberal Party, which is stacked from top to bottom with Liberal Party appointees, is fair and balanced.  Sensible people who have “read” and those who have seen Fox News Channel see the hilarity. In spite of the Auditor-General, liberals will vote for the Liberal Party in the next election.  Get it? No it’s true! 

Availability of the fair and balanced (to sensible people) Fox News Channel—the most popular news channel in the U.S. by far—is expanding in Canada now that the official Canadian state censor, the CRTC division of the Liberal Party, has unbanned the so-called “conservative”, “unfair”, “unbalanced” news channel in Canada.  This was only after enormous pressure, emailing, snail-mail letters, phone calls, petitions, and general prodding from folks like me and you and  Gay and porn channels zip right through the bureaucracy. 

All leftists, most Canadian media, and the Liberal government, being liberal, were adamantly opposed to Fox News Channel being unbanned.  After first denying it was “banned”, they were all forced to admit it wasn’t “available to Canadians”… by virtue of the fact that a license would not be granted to them. After looking up the word “banned”, they then proceeded to justify it being banned.  In a news report (not an editorial but a news story) in the Vancouver Sun, Fox News Channel was described thusly:  “the ultra-right-wing champion of George W. Bush, big tax cuts and the war in Iraq”. So we know politics had nothing to do with it. 

It was banned in Canada for years by the liberals because liberals fear it.  You see, FNC allows conservative thoughts to leak out into society unchecked, much like, which they also loath (and they particularly loath the name of the site).  FNC doesn’t simply promote liberals and liberalism, and they don’t toe the liberal-left line 24/7, like all Canadian television (or what I call “Liberal*Vision”) seemingly has to do by some confounded unwritten liberal law.

From what I’m hearing at the Gomery Liberal Party Corruption Inquiry, I imagine that unwritten liberal laws are sometimes drawn-up by liberals and left on tables in plain brown envelopes in restaurants, in the exact same way that taxpayer “sponsorship” money was allegedly left for Liberal Party sponsorship participants to pick up and who then later donated money to the Liberal Party of Canada—purely by coincidence, and then also produced mendacious campaign ads for their election campaigns.  Allegedly.  According to sworn testimony.

When the state censors finally approved it for the viewership of what they would call “all you stupid people” (that’s translated as “Canadians” for those who don’t speak “Liberal”), they considered slapping restrictions on it exactly the same as the restrictions placed on Al Jazeera, which they approved before approving Fox News Channel.  Those restrictions would have meant the station would have to be monitored 24/7 by official government authorities, just like in Cuba, North Korea, China and the old Soviet Union, prepared to delete portions or hit the BLEEP button anytime (presumably) something non-liberal was being said.  But for some reason, they didn’t find Fox News Channel quite as threatening to Canada and liberalism as Al Jazeera and terrorists.  They said in their summary: “The Commission [that’s the state censors, the “CRTC”] considers that there is nothing on the record of this proceeding that would lead it to conclude that such treatment is necessary in the case of Fox News.”  Well then.

LIBERALS It’s fun to spot the “Canada” logo on Canadian TV, meanwhile.  Most Canadian television channels and shows and movies have that Liberal/Canada/Sponsorship logo in their credits, indicating that they get Liberal government of Canada financial support—with our hard-earned tax dollars which the Liberals took from us because they think they are smarter than us and can spend our money better than we can.

Some would call this “subsidy” concept a “pay-off” from a liberal government. Officially of course it’s called “sponsorship” of TV shows and movies and networks—but watch for a change in that official terminology in light of the hellacious (for liberals) Gomery Inquiry. Canadian television and movie producers call it “normal” to get this kind of government media “sponsorship” in what I think is, at my charitable best, some twisted departure from reality and from “freedom” and “common sense” and “democracy” and what some would call a giant leap away from “morality”; or others would call it “the Soviet Union”.

In this day of Liberal Party Corruption Inquiries I’m told there’s no relationship between sponsorship of Canadian TV shows and movies and networks, and the other sponsorships. Of course it was liberals who told me that. No, they assure me, this is nothing compared to the Liberal Party’s sponsorship scandal in which they used our tax dollars to simply pay-off various media and other Liberal Party supporters and those who promoted liberal-leftism.  Allegedly, according to sworn testimony.  I’m not sure how it’s different, but let’s just say it is different in some nuanced ways that we on the right cannot figure out.

Fox News Channel is not state-run or owned by the government—any government—so that helps fair-minded people.  Plus it isn’t getting any government subsidies or what you might call “pay-offs”.  I think that helps too.  Not owing anything to anybody (or liberal government) for anything is a real freedom-maker. You’re then free to do or say what you want, within reason, because the product mix is itself dictated by the whims of the viewing audience and what they like and accept.  If a news channel—any channel—is seen as bogus, people will tune-out.  That may explain why hardly anybody (around 6%) watches the CBC in Canada.  Again, Fox News Channel is the number one news channel in America.  Liberals hate that, and yet they watch it, according to the surveys. 

A little primer for liberals and socialists in general:  In a free market, people ultimately drive the agenda and make or break an enterprise. There’s a free, uncorrupt election every single day, on every single product in the free market. Left to their own devices, people will watch what they want to watch.  That’s “human rights” talk, Cotler! 

And here’s a clue for the clueless dingbats (or are they simply liberal-left ideological zealots?) who run Canada’s private networks (both owned by people with solid Liberal Party histories and connections, and big donors by the way) which are forced to compete against the evil United States networks:  The folks who run Fox News Channel made a conscious and apparently brilliant and still unique decision to not ban bright, conservative-thinking people from their airwaves, and so they have some anchors and reporters who don’t donate cash to the liberals and work on their campaign like they do at CNN and the Canadian Liberal*Vision.  Then they go ahead and interview liberal-minded people, and then (get this!) actual, smart, not stupid, sometimes good-looking conservative-minded people for their take on stories.  And then that’s it!  End of story.  Next story.  Yes, really! 

Then they have talk-shows featuring moderately conservative folks (Bill O’Reilly, whose show far surpasses liberal Larry King of CNN in ratings) and other shows that feature right-on conservatives like Sean Hannity, who shares the show with liberal Alan Colmes.  You read right.  An actual conservative… but with a liberal,  once again demonstrating that they’re not fair and balanced, given that they allow that damned conservative voice in the mix! Quick:  name a major Canadian TV show that has an actual semi-intelligent conservative paired with a liberal. OK now name a show that features liberals.  OK now name a show that features intelligent liberals.  OK that wasn’t fair!

Fox News Channel also allows conservatives to say things without the anchor or reporter rolling their eyes like they do on Liberal*Vision and other liberal American news outfits like CBS News starring (“Honest”) Dan Rather.

They say “Merry Christmas” on Fox News Channel.  Not “Have a Merry Happy Tree Festivus”. 

Apparently, Fox News anchors are allowed to say the word “conservative” and “Bush” with a favorable tone of voice, rather than saying it like they do in Canada, with a notable Elvis Presley sneer and the sound of dread in their voice.  And unlike in Canada, they don’t feel the compulsion to get a counter-argument to everything a conservative says, from, say, eight extreme liberal-left professors from state-run universities and six NDP “strategists” who are clearly borderline Marxists.  They sometimes just let a conservative thought sit there, undisturbed by liberal retorts, to just sink in.  That has never, ever happened in Canada, where again, it is apparently against the liberal law. 

If you Canadian network geniuses learn some of these nifty secret tricks that I’ve revealed for you, you just might be able to compete with Fox News Channel—the way CNN and CNBC are trying to learn to do. 

Fox News Channel should be made available to Canadians for free simply as an educational tool to open their minds and eyes and make Canada and its people a more tolerant nation, and one which has a better more well-rounded view of the world around us.  Stop subsidizing the Marxist CBC and everything else in the country in your effort to mimic the Soviet Union.  Let the free market reign.  Let private enterprise fix healthcare.  That could all reduce taxes enough to at least allow Canadians to afford the cost to get Fox News Channel (note that CBC is free as mandated by the liberals’ “Broadcast Act”) and may also leave enough in their pockets to buy, say, a new house and a new car and a great private school education and university education for their kids.  And a humongous wide-screen plasma TV to watch Fox News Channel. 

These are just suggestions.  As they say on Fox News, we report—you decide.

Joel Johannesen
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