Friday, September 20, 2024

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Former KKK member and Liberal Senator Byrd compares Republicans to Nazis

Adolf HitlerJust two days ago, I blogged that the new boss of the Democratic Party, the liberal Howard Dean, called Republicans “evil”.  Earlier in the week, he’d stated that he “hates” Republicans. 

Now the liberal Senator from West Virginia, Democrat Robert Byrd, scarcely backtracks on his comparison of Republicans to Nazis.  This from a former member of the Ku Klux Klan.  That’s right.  Liberal Democrat Robert Byrd was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.  It’s old news—it’s just buried by mainstream media as much as possible. 

You’re welcome!

And they say liberals aren’t racist and that they’re tolerant.  Oh hang on it’s only liberals—and the old mainstream media—who repeat that mantra over and over. 

[…] In his comments Tuesday, Byrd had defended the right senators have to use filibusters — procedural delays that can kill an item unless 60 of the 100 senators vote to move ahead. He is a long-standing defender of the chamber’s rules and traditions, many of which help the Senate’s minority party.

Byrd cited Hitler’s 1930s rise to power by, in part, pushing legislation through the German parliament that seemed to legitimize his ascension.

“We, unlike Nazi Germany or Mussolini’s Italy, have never stopped being a nation of laws, not of men,” Byrd said. “But witness how men with motives and a majority can manipulate law to cruel and unjust ends.”

Byrd then quoted historian Alan Bullock, saying Hitler “turned the law inside out and made illegality legal.”

Byrd added, “That is what the ‘nuclear option’ seeks to do.”

The nuclear option is the nickname for the proposal to end filibusters of judicial nominations because of the devastating effect the plan, if enacted, would have on relations between Democrats and Republicans.

Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, said Byrd’s remarks showed “a profound lack of understanding as to who Hitler was” and that the senator should apologize to the American people. He called the comparison “hideous, outrageous and offensive.”

“With his knowledge of history and his own personal background as a KKK member, he should be ashamed for implying that his political opponents are using Nazi tactics,” said Matt Brooks, executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition. […]

I’ll repeat a blog entry from a few weeks ago:

Recently I mentioned that a gay ‘marriage’ interest group became unhinged and did what all those who have run out of arguments do, they compared Christians to Nazis

Well that proved we won that argument. 

Now, U.N.-loving Ã

Joel Johannesen
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