Or is that “on a limb”? Could be both with the latter causing the former. Or to borrow the phraseology used by many liberals regarding the Americans killed on 9/11 —“he deserved to be killed”.
This whole story is largely a tail wagging the dog story so you can understand my confusion.
Apparently, another Canadian publication will be printing the Danish (but obviously Bush-inspired via Cheney, Rumsfeld, “the Jews”, and a grant from Halliburton and viewers like you neo-cons) cartoons tomorrow.
The Canadian Jewish Free Press (they’re “the Jews”) already printed them in their publication on Friday. Tomorrow Ezra Levant’s Western Standard monthly magazine will be publishing them, apparently.
Already an Islamic leader has called the cops. Literally. He called the Calgary Police to report this. Alaa Elsayed of the Muslim Council of Calgary called the cops. Canadian cops, in Canada. With guns.
Apparently he thinks Canada is a country of Dhimmis.
Ezra had an entirely different plan in mind: cops protecting him from raving lunatic Islamofascists. In Canada. With bombs strapped to themselves, or at least armed with a darn fine umbrella (this being Canada where crime is banned according to Michael Moore), whose sole aim it might be to turn Ezra into Ezra-on-a-Stick. And we all know how painful that can be.
[Ezra] Levant said in light of that, extra security measures are in place at the magazine’s offices, but Muslim leaders here are asking local believers to refrain from violence.
—Calgary Sun
I’m of a two minds about this. On the one mind, I like Ezra Levant and agree with Ezra Levant on just about everything he says and writes. And at least twice, Ezra Levant has personally used his Western Standard blog to link to posts of mine which he liked. So I’d be quite happy to lay one o’ them big Buzz Hargrove Team Martin hugs on him, metaphorically speaking of course (we’re both men fer crisakes).
On the other hand, back when he was just trying to spring his Western Standard magazine to life, I wrote about it at least twice, saying wonderful things about it and supporting a right wing Canadian publication, telling everyone to support it by subscribing to it, and running a graphical ad for them for free on these pages for months (I advised them I was doing so, but never did hear back from them).
I’m still without a gratis subscription to the Western Standard.
So maybe if I get a free subscription then I’ll join him and risk my life and that of my entire family and my home and my peaceful neighborhood, and exercise my support for freedom of the press and our freedom to insult and offend people (as they do us, and Jews, and Christians, and Americans, conservatives, westerners…) and join him in posting the cartoons.
mmmmmNot likely though.
- Proud To Be Canadian. But Maybe Not. - Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 2:07 pm
- Say something. - Friday October 25, 2024 at 6:03 pm
- Keep going, or veer right - Monday August 26, 2024 at 4:30 pm