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From: Matt
Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 7:31 AM
To: Joel Johannesen
Subject: Arnold Schwarzenegger unveils dramatic climate change map which shows flooded San Francisco of the future

Found this at Drudge…Who advises this guy anyways? Marx? (Karl or Chico, take your pick…)

Kanata ON

Hey Matt!

I’m not the kind who whistles past a graveyard, including even Davy Jones’s Locker while I’m boating.  But when I saw that news item yesterday (and nothing about ClimateGate in the lamestream media), I once again had to laugh.  Maybe I’m trippin’, you know, like they do in Cali, dude. And like they’re doing at the Copencrappin’ summit.  Maybe Arny is trippin’.  Maybe he just smoked a doobie.  Sure sounds like it.

But actually it could all be quite serious. 

These pretend “leaders” are whistling the hideous Al Gore (and his cabal of pseudo-science consensuseurs’) tune about oceans rising by such-and-such many feet, thereby turning many coastal communities into ocean.  Soon!  It’s inevitable!  Arny even said.  And he’s like an actor, dude! 

Well I live in one of those coastal communities.  In fact my neighborhood is actually a little below sea level now, as best I can tell, and I’m not even high —I mean on pot of course.  In fact I’m low.  The point is I’m straight ‘n sober.  The mouth of the south arm of the mighty Fraser River is just across my back yard, and the only thing holding back high tides and high river is a roadway which also serves as a dike, by which I don’t mean a lesbian, since this ain’t like Cali, this is a pretty conservative area. 

So it seems to me if these barking moonbat mayors and governors and premiers and national “leaders” all really believe what they’re dealing, then their primary responsibility right now, today, this minute, should be nothing but dousing the doobie and launching massive plans to totally evacuate all coastal areas

I mean you know, just in case the big government summits like the sacred Copencrappin’ summit of enviro pawns don’t pan out, and their “science” is proven to be even remotely right, and things turn out to be even close to being as bad as they now pretend they will.  I mean it will take years to properly and safely evacuate and relocate all these millions of people and businesses and industry and to re-establish the soon-to-be oceanic farmland and business and industry and families and entire communities.  And that’s if they’re not all high on pot.  So they need to start an orderly evacuation right now while there’s still time. 

So I say hold these barkers accountable, starting today, and demand that they embark (heh) on a plan to immediately evacuate all coastal communities like San imageFrancisco, New York, all of the Netherlands, Mumbai, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Athens, London, Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, and thousands of other communities including mine and me here in my little soon-to-be-underwater enclave. 

Not doing so would be an extremely serious —a deadly serious dereliction of duty.  It would literally be a crime against humanity to not act right now to evacuate all coastal communities.  To not act right now, today, would be tantamount to willfully putting whole communities —families and old people and babies and yes, even Jack Layton’s “working families”, at grave risk of death —presumably by drowning —and willfully allowing the total destruction of all material wealth and buildings and land including pot fields.  (Of course the upside is that all churches would be demolished!)  If they failed to act now and were thus deemed to be criminals, we couldn’t even imprison them at Guantanamo Bay because… it’s gonna be underwater, baby!  So they simply have to act now.

Demand “evacuation justice”, NOW!

No doubt they will want to proceed with all that evacuation at taxpayer expense, because they coincidentally believe that the answer to absolutely, every, single, problem, …is government.  And so raising taxes by approximately eight to ten billion cajillion percent is just part of the solution.  It will cost countless quadrillions of dollars and Chinese yuans, and by golly, we’ll have to overlook the fact that printing that much doe would leave a haYUGE carbon footprint.  No wonder they all smoke pot! 

And I know this will be perhaps the hardest part for those “progressive” politicians, but on the spending side, for goodness sake cut the “arts” funding in those communities right now, because you know, we need the cash more than ever, and street performance art doesn’t float so it’s an even bigger waste now (oops, actually, hang on, sorry, that might backfire —they’ll want to raise funding on that basis.  Shut my mouth!). 

imageAll in all it’s the ultimate government social program.  A universal government social program to end all government social programs.  And best of all, it will drive us back to the stone age, where the new Utopian Global Government (or UGG) can start all over again, proper-like, in their far superior vision, perhaps starting with a fleet of Gaean arks and of course endless fields of free public pot in the higher elevations. Because otherwise we might have to evolve backward into crustaceans again and end up right back in the ocean from whence we came.

See ya in the highlands!


From: Matt
Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: Arnold Schwarzenegger unveils dramatic climate change map which shows flooded San Francisco of the future

Hi again, Joel,

How soon before they evacuate (expropriate…seize…) coastline properties? Even if the waters don’t rise it could be a good thing. Why should only certain people get to live on scenic property? It should be available for every comrade regardless of class or wealth. At the very least, government should own it. At least then we know it would be distributed fairly, unlike how private sector, profit-driven corporate swine would keep the people away…Plus, the winds off the ocean are ideal for thousands of wind-powered generators? Which could be installed from Mexico to Alaska? 

Like, screw Palin, y’know?

Dibs on your backyard…

Matt B.
Kanata ON

Joel Johannesen
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