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Monday, February 24, 2025
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Err on the side of life

The culture of death brigade is in full dudgeon this week as good conservatives in Washington fight to allow the culture of life to breath.  The death brigade don’t even want the “culture of life” to live, much less Terri Schiavo.

David Limbaugh’s latest column helps us understand the culture of death brigade somewhat—but even he is left a little stymied.

And in liberal Canada, it’s a given that death is preferred over life, because life is often so darn inconvenient and messy, as are high moral values and the culture of life. Besides, in Canada it’s all about “how it affects



”.  Some people will realize “liberalism” and their culture of death wasn’t so great, but only when they’re in Terri’s position.  Others will figure it out before that. 

I doubt that I’ll ever be able to understand, much less relate to, the sympathies of certain people. Generally speaking, they seem to feel more compassion for wildlife than animals, more for animals than human beings, more for guilty human beings than innocent ones, more for Communist dictators and tyrannical thugs than freedom fighters, and more for the vindication of an abstract principle devaluing human life than for an actual human being like Terri Schiavo, who, though severely disabled, may truly want to live.

How can we possibly view in a favorable light the position of those who protest to save the lives of convicted killers on death row and who bend over backward to believe their most incredible stories of innocence, but won’t lift a finger in support of Terri Schiavo and won’t even momentarily consider that Terri wants to live? Where are the “Free Mumia” chanters when Terri needs them?

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Joel Johannesen
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