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Sunday, March 2, 2025
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Economic well being of Canadians has not advanced in years: TD report

This article scrapes the surface.  It’s about how Canadians are making virtually no economic progress. 

It doesn’t mention anything about Canada’s abominable, decrepit, failing socialist health system which could be saved by adding private, free-market solutions if only someone would tout that ever-so-evil unCanadian and unCuban idea; nor the national infrastructure like our ancient highways literally crumbling into the ditches; nor the small matter of what’s left of our military after the Liberals have treasonously allowed it to dissolve like jelly crystals to suit their liberal world view (which is to purposely leave Canada open and vulnerable to terrorists or anybody else). 

Liberals are happy as clams in Cuba as long as we can keep killing full-term unborn babies with taxpayer dollars in public hospitals, get our youth smoking pot legally, introduce national socialist programs covering every single person and private company that’s left, and gays can change the very definition of our most sacred and important institution—the traditional Canadian family, which the liberals are hell bent on destroying.  This article might just as well be printed on toilet paper. 

OTTAWA (CP) – The take-home pay of the average Canadian has barely advanced in the last 15 years and points to a need for Ottawa to cut taxes to promote growth, TD Bank said in a study released Tuesday.

The big bank said real after-tax incomes per worker are stagnant while at the same time, Canadians are receiving less bang for their taxpayer buck because a smaller proportion of government revenues is going into program spending than in past decades.

Rising pension plan premiums have also contributed “to an onerous tax burden on Canadian workers,” TD said.

“Many commonly referenced economic figures leave an impression that Canadians are well off and that their economic status is steadily improving. And yet, real after-tax incomes per worker have been virtually flat since 1989,” said Don Drummond, TD’s chief economist, who spent 23 years at the federal Finance Department before joining the bank.

Paul (“we lead the world”) Martin has already said he has no intention of lowering taxes—he will, he said, instead spend all of his energy (and all of our money) building delicious new and improved social programs in Canada.  Only liberals and Fidel Castro could love a position like that.

Joel Johannesen
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