In a pre-emptive move to stifle debate and shut up the endless prattling by idiot Nazi intolerant homophobes like me, the gayness lobby is already on the march spending their multi-millions of gayness promotion cash.
Yes—the liberal-left fundamentalist religion—gayness promotion diocese—bought a poll to try to convince Canadians in their ever so honest manner that the gay ‘marriage’ debate is all done but for the new-style consummation, and we in the dinosaur traditional marriage mob might as well stop flapping our Neanderthal jaws. And the government certainly better not allow an honest debate about it nor a free vote in parliament. Liberals are against that.
PTBC reader Marc sent me the news article in the London Free Press. That newspaper says that a poll suggests the gay marriage debate is over now, by way of timely “death”. “Gay marriage debate dead, poll suggests” is the headline. If the poll suggested otherwise, the headline would be “Gay marriage poll deemed flawed by experts”. And they’d find any number of experts and leftist pro-gay-marriage opinionators to validate that contention.
As it was, of course, the poll miraculously worked out exactly as they had hoped and dreamed, and they found no need for any experts except those which agree with their position. Not one traditional marriage supporter could be found on the face of the earth, nor any reference to any other recent poll taken on the issue. That would be fair and balanced! And that ain’t liberal.
Gay marriage debate dead, poll suggests
Tue, June 20, 2006
OTTAWA—A poll suggests a majority of Canadians accept gay marriage and oppose the idea of reopening the subject in the Commons as Prime Minister Stephen Harper has promised.The survey, conducted by Environics Research on behalf of Canadians for Equal Marriage, said 62 per cent of respondents felt the same-sex marriage question is settled. Only 27 per cent wanted it reopened.
[…] The Environics poll also suggested only a bare majority of Conservative voters want the issue reopened.
The survey, conducted May 25 to June 2, asked respondents whether they supported same-sex marriage and whether the government should reopen the question. It found 59 per cent of all respondents favoured equal marriage rights for same-sex couples, with 33 per cent opposed.
We even have the spokesman from the polling company using the pro-gay-marriage Canadians for Equal Marriage terminology:
“This latest polling demonstrates overall opposition to equal marriage has declined since passage of the federal legislation,” said Derek Leebosh of Environics.
Very good Mr. Leebosh. Extra brown-nose points for you.
Marc did his due diligence and checked out the actual questions asked. Note that Environics even titled their web page “equal_marriage”. Nice touch!
Q1. One Year Ago, Parliament Voted To Give Same-Sex Couples Across Canada The Same Right To Civil Marriage As Opposite-Sex Couples. Should The Conservative Government Re-Open This Issue And Have Another Vote On This Or Do You Consider This Matter To Be Settled So There Should Not Be Another Vote?
Q2. In Principle, Do You Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree Or Somewhat Disagree Or Strongly Disagree That Same-Sex Couples Should Have The Same Right To Civil Marriage As Opposite-Sex Couples?
(My bolding and italicizing).
Of course they never ask “Have we in the liberal-left special-interest group industry and our media lackies succeeded in making you feel like an intolerant lout or better yet a “Nazi” for supporting stupid old-fashioned traditional marriage which is ‘unfair’ to lesbians and transgenedered and gay men, yet?”
Maybe they don’t need to actually ask that question.
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- Say something. - Friday October 25, 2024 at 6:03 pm
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