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Dispatches from the sane set — Feb 5, 2010 (#2)


From: Loretta
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 9:25 AM
Subject: Options for Maternal health

Nfld doctor, Dr. Robert Walley founded a NGO (years ago) called MaterCare. It works in Africa and elsewhere seeking to improve the health of mother and child during and after childbirth. This would be a great place for Canada to contribute as a nation, but also a place where individuals can contribute out of their own generosity.

The hijacking of every educational and health initiative to include abortion and/or ‘alternative lifestyles’ seems weird to me. No matter how many times nations push back, the UN seems bent on conforming everyone to their ‘ideal’. How is it that this group maintains so much influence in a supposedly multicultural organization? Why do nations continue to fund the campaign, in spite of not having a mandate at home.

I have a question about Stephen Taylor’s suggestion in the Nat’l Post today, that Harper should just tell Iggy that the subject of abortion has been ‘closed’ BY CANADIANS. When did anyone ask me? Where’s the mandate to say something like that? Or, Iggy, where’s the mandate to fund abortion in other countries. Bad enough that its funded without a mandate in Canada. No one asked the Canadian voter. I can understand why they are reluctant to do so, but please, don’t tell me that WE have closed the subject. Only one side wants the subject closed. Anyone who has doubt, or wants at least SOME restrictions, or is morally opposed to the killing of Canadians/humans, would like to see some courage and progress on this ‘divisive’ subject. The nature of a debate is that there are ‘sides’- divisive. Can Canadians really be against ‘divisive’ subjects? Are we THAT lame?

Loretta Westin


Liberals and progressives in general always speak as though everyone in the room agrees with them.  That’s how they get around divisive subjects.  The shear arrogance is breathtaking, and usually causes a lip-zipping reaction — perhaps because the other people in the room see no sense in wasting time refuting idiots and close-minded jerks and the things they say —but this is of course folly.  Progressives totally rely on this ability to get away with their social engineering by repeating things over and over and never being refuted, by marginalizing their opposition by labeling them as “stupid”, “racist”, “homophobe”, calling them a “Nazi” (the irony flies right over their heads), or of course a “neocon” or a “Christian” (each of those latter two as though they were a bad thing) —and ultimately shutting them up any way they can.  For more information about this, see Glenn Beck’s book Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government, or Ann Coulter’s How to Talk to a Liberal, If You Must.  And simply keep reading this blog and the columnists at PTBC. 

One of the progressive’s favorite tactics is to try to dogmatically close debate by falsely claiming —as if by the quasi sacred dictum of some unearthly, overarching pseudo-god — that “the debate is over”, or as you caught it, that the debate “is closed” by one awesome (to them) person or another —as if they have that dictatorial power, and if they do, that it’s totally acceptable to them that they do, as long as that person is doing their bidding. 

In actual fact, like the hideous, fascist “the debate is over” mantra emanating from the goons in the “man-made global warming” fraud, the “debate is over” when we say the debate is over, but that’s really just my way of resuscitating the debate.  Those of us in the traditional, conservative, and open-minded set, who live still in free societies, never really end debate or foist this “the debate is over” type of idiot mantra on anybody.  The only people who do that are people who know they can’t win the debate, and who know that their opposition can, were they allowed to engage in it in the first place.

I know you know all this —this was for the other side.  They need to know that we know this.


Joel Johannesen
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