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Dilemma? Guess not.

An 18-year old girl walks into an abortion mill to have an abortion at 22 weeks (6 months) gestation.  Darn the luck, while waiting for the abortionist to arrive, she up and gives birth right there in the waiting room, to a living, breathing, moving, and I think perhaps also smiling baby girl—at least smiling inside.

Quite a coup for that lucky baby girl!  And I imagine that’s quite a dilemma for a pro-abortionist.

Actually apparently not.  In this case, the abortion mill staff at first panic and start screaming about the damn thing being alive (they are obviously against that, since the whole point was to somehow configure things such that they could choose on behalf of the baby girl to allow it to be born already dead, since the baby girl obviously can’t exactly “talk” at this point, luckily for the pro-abortionists).

For five minutes the mother and at least one other witness at the abortion mill observe the baby moving around and gasping for air.  How inconvenient.  I wonder if the baby was looking up at the mother begging for a little help.  No word on that.  The kindly abortion staff cut the umbilical chord, then, holding a garbage bag open, swept the chord and some gauze and such into the garbage bag, and then also swept the living, breathing perhaps smiling “garbage” that folks like me call “a baby girl”, into the bag.  The bag is marked “biohazard”. 

Actually, to be more accurate, in this case the baby in the garbage bag—living, breathing, moving, gasping for air and perhaps frowning at this point—was thrown up onto the roof of the abortion mill in order to die “naturally” and then compost like garbage.

Indeed, a later criminal autopsy, just released, helpfully found that the baby died “naturally”.   

It seems abortionists are cowards and can’t even face up to the facts of life when life science is literally presented in front of them, as if a life lesson was being served-up to them for free.  Rather than kill the little baby before “disposing” of it as they would have done and routinely do every day, they couldn’t do it when it was in front of their eyes.  So they simply threw it away like garbage and called it a day.  Another day at the abortion mill.

After a warrant was served and evidence found (such as the dead baby in the garbage bag now who was later transferred to a cardboard box and brought inside), charges are now being considered against the abortion mill operators who allegedly killed the baby girl, born alive at 22 weeks.  Of course the plan was to perform an abortion, meaning crushing the baby’s skull or chopping off the live baby’s head, and so on, and then collecting all the pieces, and throwing everything into a nearby garbage can.  Then it isn’t killing anything, according to pro-abortion folks.  Then, it’s just another of the countless abortion choices that occur every year. 

This happened in Florida this past summer, and was of course not widely reported in the liberal media, since the liberal media don’t want to stir up pro-life sentiment with actual stories of life today, “life” being the operative word here. 

Unlike in Canada where there are no restrictions, in Florida abortion is legal only up to 24 weeks (6 months) gestation, because some government bureaucrats pulled some facts and figures out of their backsides and decided that 24 weeks sounded good.  In fact, babies are alive and can survive quite well prior to that time, especially if they are allowed to.  And in any case at any “time limit” you care to pull out of your backside, they are living, human lives who would grow and develop into something not unlike yourself over time—but no matter.  I imagine pro-abortion folks will soon demand abortions be made a “choice” at 3 weeks AFTER birth like they already do in “progressive” Euroliberal countries.  What the hell? 

In Canada, there is no law against abortion.  None.  Canada’s liberal-left “progressives” have seen to that.  They fought tooth and nail for that and continue to today.  Canadian women can have abortions at any time in any pregnancy—even at nine months’ pregnancy—for any reason or no reason whatsoever, over and over, all paid for by taxpayers whether you like it or not, in public “health” facilities through our grand and noble Canada “Health” Act—or even in private abortion mills liberals call “clinics”.  Private clinics such as this are perfectly OK with the liberal-left in Canada as long as they’re used as abortion mills. I understand from the liberal-left that this universal free abortions for all social program (and early learning!) policy is a “Canadian value”.  Again, that’s “Canadian value”.  And the liberal-left have and continue to fight—to the death, (just not theirs)—for this pro-abortion “Canadian value”. 

Personally, I think abortion is about the most disgusting, egregious, immoral thing that humans ever thought of.  It’s one of the main reasons I’m not a liberal.

Joel Johannesen
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