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Dennis Prager’s Part XX

The title sounds like a rude late night Euro-movie on the ever-so-enlightened and “liberalcational” state-run CBC.  But it’s actually quite the opposite—it’s about values and morals—and actually teaching Canadians something useful and decidedly not liberal.  This is the kind of thing that makes the internet and places like this so pernicious for lilberals!  (So sad…)

Yes it’s Dennis Prager’s next part in his series explaining Judeo-Christian values for our intellectual gratification and stimulation—oh yeah and to basically save the world from liberal-induced chaos.  I’ve made it my commitment to point to his column/series at Townhall as it is occurs.

He calls this one “There is no viable alternative” and in it he compares some of the alternatives to Judeo-Christian values.

[…] At this moment, there are three ideologies competing for humanity’s acceptance: secular and leftist, Judeo-Christian and Islam.

But Islam is not currently in the battle for men’s minds. Outside (and even inside) the Muslim world, it gains power largely through force. There are non-Muslims who convert to Islam out of sheer conviction, but in general, when Islam gains a foothold or actually attains power in a non-Muslim society, it is either through force or threats of force—e.g., Sudan, Thailand, the Philippines, Nigeria; or through a large immigration of Muslims—e.g., Western Europe. Its contemporary spread is not due to the power of its intellectual appeal, let alone the record of its contemporary social and moral achievements.

[…] So we are we left with Judeo-Christian values and secular left values. The latter, as noted, hold sway among the world’s elites. But they are personally so unfulfilling and morally so confused that they cannot work. Western Europe will hopefully awaken to this fact as its socialist economies fail and as it realizes that you cannot fight faith (radical Islam) with no faith (secularism).

Read the column at where there’s also an archive so you can get caught up on parts I through XIX.  Each part takes only three minutes to read.

Joel Johannesen
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