I’ve made a commitment to alert you and keep you abreast of Dennis Prager’s ongoing series in which he explains, in his gentle and inimitable way, Judeo-Christian values. His goal, according to his new year’s resolution, is to help people understand those values better. My goal, not as lofty, is to encourage you to read the series as it continues on.
He’s on installment number IX now (don’t worry, follow the link to the source and all eight other parts are there so you can catch up). It touches on the Terri Schiavo sadness, but quickly gets into an intriguing look at the history—or at least the roots of— the “culture of life” that I’ve prattled on about recently in my columns. It’s very interesting.
Here’s a snippet:
There are good people on both sides of the Terri Schiavo tragedy, but chances are that if you affirm Judeo-Christian values, you have opposed pulling the feeding tubes from the severely brain damaged woman’s body.
Why? Because if there is anything that Judeo-Christian values stand for, it is choosing life and rejecting death. As the Torah puts it, “I have put before you today life and death, and you shall choose life.”
[… Read the rest (1 minute) …]
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