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Dennis Prager: Today’s must read

(…after our columnists in our Columnists section of course.)

Hat tip to “conservativegal” for this, but I never miss a Dennis Prager column.  I’ve pointed to his column dozens of times in the past—especially last year during his excellent series on his understanding Judeo-Christian values

I’d like to be able to afford to add his column to our Columnist Section roster, but that would require more cash every month—more than I’m already spending.  My bill just for bandwidth for January promises to be huge, mostly as a result of the video flicks.  I now pay in advance for a block of 75 gigabytes of bandwidth per month.  So far in January, we’ve used 199.41 GB.  I will have to pay for the extra bandwidth separately.  “Bandwidth” is like your electrical meter, and measures the amount of traffic in bytes or in our case gigabytes  (billions of bytes) a web site consumes.  It costs money!  Yes even in Canada where “somebody else”  magically pays for everything, thus making things “free”! 

Hello?  Tap-tap-tap.  Is this thing on? 

I think Canada need Dennis Prager’s column here.  Some Canadians more than others of course.  Few people explain the difference between liberals and conservatives better, and that’s at least half our goal here.

Here’s an overly extended excerpt from his latest column, but just read the whole thing—I only left out a few paragraphs.

Hamas landslide reveals more about left than about Palestinians

It is a sad day for humanity when a people choose to elect terrorists as their leaders.

But for those of us who believe that clarity is the prerequisite to moral progress, the landslide victory of the terrorist organization Hamas in Palestine has a silver lining.

First and foremost, it proves what people who perceive reality have been saying for decades: The great majority of Palestinians—like the majority of Arabs elsewhere and like vast numbers of non-Arab Muslims—want Israel destroyed. Even granting legitimacy to the argument that the complete moral, financial and political corruption of Fatah was partly responsible for the Hamas victory, those who voted for Hamas did not find that organization’s terror, religious celebration of murder or charter calling for Israel’s destruction an impediment to their vote.

[…] So the Palestinian vote reveals the falsity of the worldwide Left’s view of the Palestinians as committed to peace. It likewise reveals the falsity of the Left’s belief that Palestinian terror is supported by a small minority of the Palestinian population.

That is one reason why the Bush doctrine—we need to spread democracy everywhere possible, including, or even especially, in the Arab world—is so valid. You cannot deal with any problem in life—from the most personal to the most macro—by engaging in wishful thinking and denying reality.

Thanks to this election, the mask has been removed. When given the opportunity to express themselves, most Arabs and many Muslims elsewhere support terror and seek the annihilation of Israel. That is why the Hamas victory is such a defeat for the world’s Left—university professors, news media, socialist parties, the European Union, the United Nations, “peace” activists, editorial writers, and all other apologists for the Palestinians.

[…] This peace activist, like other “peace activists” and just about everyone on the Left, lives in a state of wishful thinking. As director Steven Spielberg, commenting on the Arab-Israeli dispute, recently told Time magazine, “The only thing that’s going to solve this is rational minds, a lot of sitting down and talking until you’re blue in the gills.”

On just about every issue, the Left lives in a childlike fantasy realm. Their views are expressions of what they wish for, not what actually is.

Here is a small sample:

—Support for terror represents a tiny sliver of the Muslim world.

—All cultures are essentially morally equivalent.

—The United Nations is a wonderful institution and the best hope of mankind.

—Men and women are basically the same.

—It makes no difference whether children are raised by a loving man and woman or by two loving parents of the same sex.

—Violent criminals in our society are pushed into crime by socioeconomic circumstances, not because of their own flawed characters and values.

—War is not the answer.

The list of leftist positions based on a rejection of reality is as long as a list of leftist positions.

That’s why it is often said that “a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.” But that, too, is wishful thinking. After some initial cognitive dissonance, the Hamas victory will have little or no impact on most leftists.

The day after the Hamas landslide, the Los Angeles Times editorialized, “Most Palestinians, like most Israelis, want peace.” Sure they do. Just not with Israel.

Joel Johannesen
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