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David Warren, Janet L. Jackson, me, all on same page

In the “hey, we’re on the same page” department we find this editorial in the Windsor Star by David Warren.  Compare it to my latest column (in the columnist section), called The liberals’ Culture of Death, and the one before that called Liberals now fully represented in Canada :

A party split was avoided, on the vexed procedural matter of weighting constituency representation. It makes no sense whatever to split the Conservative party again, no one should go there. The way forward is for genuinely “conservative” people to capture the party, just as the conservatives captured the Republican party “by the grassroots” in the United States during the 1970s and ‘80s. This takes time, and unflagging patient effort, and involves selling one’s ideas to the public along the way. After Montreal, it is at least clear that Canada’s “conservatives” have bought into the new Conservative party.

[…] The differences among delegates, as expected, were on the social, legal, moral questions. Faced with an implacably hostile bureaucratic, media and academic establishment, who are in love with their latest project to redesign the traditional family, the party is timid. Overwhelmed by the “culture of death” (of nihilism and narcissism) in our Canadian elites, they do not even dream of opposing late-term abortions.

image Also read Janet L. Jackson’s latest column called Don’t mention ‘A-word’ in which we both relay the same anecdotal story about Ximena Renaerts.  Here’s a snippet of Janet’s column, now posted in our columnist section:

With 75% of the Conservative Party membership choosing to enshrine traditional marriage, have Tories found the courage to become the real alternative voters are desperately seeking?

Only at first glance. A resolution was passed stating a Conservative government would not support any abortion legislation.

By seeking the politically correct solution when the majority of MPs are pro-life, party faithful have predetermined another election cycle of “hidden agenda” rhetoric by the Left.

Head-in-the-sand philosophy on abortion was standard for Reform-Alliance and is not new for the Conservatives. MPs will continue hanging their heads as they apologize: “I am personally pro-life, but I won’t force my views. Please vote for me anyway.”

Meanwhile, the Liberal Party aggressively pushes an abortion-on-demand-up-to-the-ninth-month policy. […]

Joel Johannesen
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