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Saturday, March 1, 2025
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David Warren and Doug Giles: another good couple of doses of reality

image I loved this paragraph from David Warren’s column today in our columnist section called “The people are not nothing”—about the effort for freedom and democracy in Burma and the West’s reluctance—weakness—to rally to the cause once again (a three-minute read):

We, who do not live under one of the world’s thug-socialist regimes, should understand how they operate. Over time, it becomes necessary to kill fewer and fewer people to keep a population cowed. Yet every generation or so, the people must be forcefully reminded that they are nothing.

And these last paragraphs, which tie it all together with the liberals’ politically correct reality of today:

We could in fact do far more, but we haven’t the will or courage for it. The Burmese regime could hardly survive a direct military strike. And, in the person of Aung San Suu Kyi, and in her NLD Party—victorious in the only semi-free election the Burmese generals ever staged—we have a plausible alternative regime to install. I think such a strike could be justified as merciful, in the same way one justified sending the U.S. and Australian navies to relieve victims of the 2004 tsunami. The further effect of such a bold act would be to chasten the far more worrisome generals of China.

But this would require a West assured of its own ideals and principles, generous and willing to make sacrifices for them; a West not debilitated by layer upon layer of “politically-correct” self-doubt. And that simply isn’t on the table.

Doug Giles Another great read (they’re all great, here, folks) is today’s Doug Giles.  I purposely post Doug Giles on Sunday because he’s our resident pastor—and he’s my kind of pastor. Compared to David Warren, he has a completely different way with words.  His column today is called “When Blasphemous Gays Rip into Christians the MSM says Diddly Squat”.  This one has to do with the mainstream media treatment of the lewd, pornographic, gay/erotic, apparently vehemently anti-Christian and fully disgusting-to-me Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco’s public square.  Today.  Sunday.  Of course.  They market it using a poster mocking “The Last Supper” with a gay porno dildo-themed poster of their own. 

…You and I both know these darling duplicitous Christophobic thugs would be on their TV shows screaming anathemas at Christians louder than Yoko Ono would yell if she accidentally knelt on her own breast. They would be on the church like a dog on a June bug. Like Rosie on a case of Twinkies. Like Bill Clinton on Hustler’s 2007 Chunky Intern Issue. We would never hear the end of it.

And this at the end:

Oh, by the way—for my fellow beer drinking buddies who are equally fed up with egregious attacks on traditional values—you can hammer these guys and their sponsors right in their wallets by not buying Miller beer, one of the sponsors of the Folsom Street Fair. I say, given their attack on Jesus that we officially never purchase another Miller beer ever again until Christ returns to kick butt and take names. Does that sound cool?

I can’t mention all our columnists but as I said they’re all excellent, and they all support PTBC by personally agreeing to allow us to post their columns here.  Please check them out every day. THIS IS A CONVENIENT LINK. And if someone can think of a better way to bring attention to them so more people read them here at PTBC every day, please .


Joel Johannesen
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