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Sunday, March 9, 2025
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What a load.  A van load, you might say, if that’s what you thought of it.

Well that’s what a fella named Mr. “ News Staff”  seems to think of the good Honourable Government House Leader Peter Van Loan.  In yet another potential case of Freudian slippage, quoting Van Loan’s remarks in his defence against the the poo-throwing Liberal Frenchman Stephane Dion, the reporter called him “Van load”.  Oops. 

It was in their story on Dion and his incessant blathering over Afghanistan (or should I just say “afghanistan” or “afghan” instead of “Afghanistan or “Afghan”) detainees (or should I say “detainne” instead of “detainees”?).  Maybe it’s merely a reflection of what they think of how Van Loan responded (or is that “responsed” instead of responded”?) 


What a Load


Afghanistan and Afghan are usually spelled with capital letters.


I guess we could speak Frenglish and call them “detainne”, um, “ees”. 
But actually it’s “detainees”.


Apparently if a fella responded, it’s called “responsed” now.  It’s new!

Then the editors (Mr. “ News Staff Editor, Jr.”?) got hold of it, finally, and corrected…. some of it.  They changed “Van Load” into “Van Loan”; and “responsed” is now “responded”.  But as I write this, “Afghanistan” is still “afghanistan” and “Afghan” is still “afghan”.  “Detainee” is still “detainne”. 

But hu kairz.

(Hat tip to PTBC reader Hunter at

Joel Johannesen
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