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CTV: Today in our version of the news…

The liberals’ CTV Newsnet’s “news” anchor Kate Wheeler just did a story on the Islamist terrorist suspect Omar Khadr.  He’s about to have his military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay as an enemy combatant. 

For more information, liberalvision secured the wise council of—wait for it—the “Advocacy Director” (”Advocacy”!—that was a clue, Kate!  Oh… you knew that) from the (far-left, Bush-hating George Soros-funded, but those adjectives weren’t added) Human Rights Watch

Upon getting the softest puffball questions lobbed at her by the very pink Kate Wheeler, she spent her time lecturing us about the abuses of the Bush administration against the poor terrorist suspect. 


We’re told by the terror suspect defender that this enemy combatant tribunal is all “a made-up category” which the Bush Administration has, well, “made up”, in its evil attempt to do an “end-run around due process guarantees” found under a “normal criminal justice system”, the U.S. Supreme Court decisions in favor of Bush notwithstanding.  Apparently the fool thinks—or rather would like you to think—that this is a “criminal justice” matter, rather than what it is, which is a war matter.  A military matter. 

Liberals still think the police and our courts should handle the war on terror because they believe it’s nothing but a nuisance law and order thing —and we know how tough they are on law and order matters!  If it were up to them, al-Qaeda and the Taliban would be out on bail right now, with a hearing scheduled for 2010.  And they will tell you with a straight face that they’re sure they’ll appear for their trials. 

Then, that was it for that report.  No other analysts were available for balance, I gather.  On to the next thing.

That’s full, fair and balanced news reporting, liberalvision style.

And so once again it’s off to Fox News Channel for all the news from all sides, because I’m more intelligent than that. 


Joel Johannesen
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