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CTV poll: 64% believe Conservatives have a good handle on the economy. poll September 11:

Do you think the Conservative government has a good handle on the economy?
Yes 64%
No 36%
10,375 votes
This is not a scientific poll

Not to stridently addle the poll for my own actual conservative pro-citizen advocacy purposes, but let me approach it from a different angle, because that’s what I do.  Ironically, I think the Liberals would have an even bigger “handle on the economy”.  And their progressive sisters in the you’ve got to be kidding party would have an even bigger handle on it.  My dispute is that the government does in fact have a big huge “handle on the economy”, and they oughta let go and let the free market and capitalism work again, like it did before government meddling and “handling” of every facet of our lives became a progressive government obsession, helping to lead to our current economic troubles.

But it’s not about me and my family, and Canada.  It used to be, but you know, now, we’ve been taught to think it’s all about government.  Everything — every facet of our lives — is now all about the government.  The poll tacitly asks if Canadians think the government will be able to rescue us (from the very crisis they helped create) —they never bother to ask if, say, unleashing the genius of private enterprise will, or if Canada’s unhindered business sector could, or if our individual enterprising nature and entrepreneurial wherewithal would, or if capitalism will. It’s always about the government, now.  Marcia Marcia Marcia! 

But back to the shallow end!  This poll, with its 64% of Canadians believing in the Conservatives (even as “conservative” as they are) provides another example of why liberals/progressives don’t trust Canadians to make their own decisions.  They don’t think right! … Beer and popcorn!  At least we’re not being judged by American liberals who might also accuse 64% of Canadians of being “racists”, these days, which is fun.

Joel Johannesen
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