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Thursday, March 6, 2025
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CTV. Canada’s eye on the anti-American push.


Here’s the current poll running on the Canadian web site.  No, not CNN.  No, not the Washington Post.

All I can think is that Prime Minister Harper’s belly must be trimming down a little.  Or all those people being totally flooded out in Saskatchewan and Manitoba today are all A-OK, and what’s a flooded Canadian home and destroyed life when you can poke the stupid Yanks in the eye?

Of course the liberals love polls like this because it gives them a chance to be smug Canadians again, to express their hatred toward America and Bush, and to be obfuscatory about the liberals’ own culpability in the flooding here at home, which clearly the liberals caused if I understand liberal-left anti-American logic correctly.  (They did cause it didn’t they?  Or did Harper cause it now that he’s in power?  Politics is hard!)

It’s what liberals do. 

The results of the poll at last check were:  92 percent “no”.  They’re not ready for the next natural disaster.  Canadians would know!

Stupid Americans. Bush is so stupid.

Joel Johannesen
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