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CTV calls Bare-Ass Bob Rae the “liberal leader” in interview about Harper’s misspoken words

imageCTV anchor Jennifer Ward calls Bare Ass Bob Rae “Liberal leader” Bob Rae.  Oh. My. God. 

Somebody better get a conservative reporter or anchor on the line and get some vital feedback about that!  Nah just kidding.  Can you imagine?  Of course you can’t. 

This “gaffe”, upon exiting her ever-so hard-hitting and news-y interview with Liberal Bob Rae (so what do you think about this Harper error, Mr. Rae?  Oh really?  And what do you think the ripple effect of Harper’s words will be?  Oh really?  Well thank you so much for joining us!). 

This journalistically ridiculous interview was deemed necessary (—wink!) and useful to Canadians based on the yummy, juicy occasion of Prime Minister Harper once again being misinformed by a stupid press aid or adviser (not Geoff Norquay, thank goodness) in the middle of the night, in Italy.  About Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff.  No, not anybody important to anybody except Bob Rae and the Canadian liberal media like CTV News.  See, in a news conference with Canadian media in Italy, Harper properly responded to those “Ignatieff” comments, which Harper was led to believe were more of Ignatieff’s famously ridiculous and anti-Canadian comments.  Well, famously to those of us who aren’t Liberal-left sycophants. 

It turns out the comments were actually those of an unnamed academic — you know, those people who are ubiquitous on CTV News Channel and are constantly, totally relied upon for valuable feedback and “information” when several reliably left-wing or far-left or Marxist world views are needed to counter one Conservative’s. 

“Liberal leader” Rae, under the guise of “news”, was given several uninterrupted minutes to bash the Prime Minister on national television, as if a national or international crisis had just actually occurred, rather than the real situation, which is simply that their leader was accidentally blamed for saying something stupid.  In actual fact, Ignatieff making ridiculous and arguably anti-Canadian comments is a totally believable thing.  So why Rae and the CTV anchor would feign shock and outrage and pretend otherwise is a mystery to me.  No let me start again:  This makes perfect sense.

And moreover, Liberals’ and liberals’ confusion over what constitutes a newsworthy “crises” is well established.  The war on terror isn’t;  Harper (or anybody) criticizing Ignatieff most certainly is. Interrupt all G8 coverage!  Our man Ignatieff’s been hit! 

imageAccording to the breathless Bare-Ass Bob Rae, Harper should have had “better judgment”, and better “character”.  Like Bare-Ass Bob Rae’s own judgment and character, presumably, possibly as exhibited out of his bare ass in the picture at left.  Harper, we’re told by the Bare-Assed one, should not have believed his aid, and should instead have presumed his aid to be a useless twit or even a liar, and should have verified the information himself… possibly between chats with President Obama or President Sarkozy about the “man made global warming”.  That’s how it works according to Rae.  So ipso facto, it’s Harper’s fault. He should have had better “character” and “judgment” than to believe his aid, said the Bare-Assed one.  I mean imagine Ignatieff saying something un-Canadian.  Imagine that.  Preposterous.

That advise and information, in contrast to Harper’s aid’s, should be take at face value, from Bare Ass Bob Rae, who took off all his clothes and exposed his base ass and everything else on national (state-owned) television in preparation for his run at being leader of the Liberal Party, and subsequently leader of our nation a world leader, and being our man on the world stage.  Good “character” and “judgment” like that. 

And CTV sees nothing ironic, nothing amiss, anywhere.  It’s all just perfect. 

I see asses all around me.

Joel Johannesen
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