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CTV apes American liberal-left talking points and their media; secretly quotes an anti-Bush Democrat

Appearing on the liberals’ CTV Newsnet division, and then posted as a story on, the liberalvision media quotes a Democratic Party worker and liberal radio talk-show host to help discredit—in advance—the report by Gen. David Petraeus regarding the Iraq surge.  And as per usual, they fail to identify him as an anti-Bush Democrat and once again, as is their habit, choose instead to NOT tell you that and choose to pass him off as just another objective talk-show host and expert, thus fooling Canadians who assume he’s objective because they’re so damn trusting of their sacred media.  It seems to me, this tells us all we need to know about what the liberals and their media think of you. 


“This was supposed to be some sort of turning point or defining moment but it’s not going to be that,” said Mark Plotkin, an U.S. political analyst and Washington radio host. “All it is is to try to keep Republicans in line and not break from President Bush.

“Democrats will be very displeased by this and there will be no seismic shift in terms of policy,” he told CTV Newsnet.

Plotkin said the report will put Petraeus’ reputation at risk.

“The general’s credibility and the general’s independence are now being questioned, mostly by Democrats,” he said. “This was supposed to be a definitive and clear shift in strategy. You’re not getting that at all.”

The liberal Democrats have spent the past several weeks attempting to discredit—in advance—the upcoming report.  And now the liberals in Canada appear poised to follow suit—like a left-wing cabal, it seems to me—through their various media outlets.  But discrediting a General as Plotkin is doing here in this CTV report —by insinuating that Democrats (such as him) think of Petraeus, as a result of his report, as nothing but a political puppet held by President Bush —is an utter disgrace. The failure of CTV to not point that out in their reporting, is equally disgraceful.  Certainly unbalanced beyond belief.  Perhaps also deceitful. In any case it’s terrible journalism. 

A biography also notes that he is also a regular contributor to Canada’s CBC (which they wrongly identify as Canadian Broadcasting Company—instead of Corporation), which is not at all surprising. 

But where are the quotes and viewpoints of all the conservative talk-show hosts?  How about one from Rush Limbaugh—nearly the most popular radio talk show host in America?  Oh I know—liberals laugh at the mere suggestion—they’re so “progressive” and open-minded and sure of themselves they can’t even stop laughing at the idea of an alternative point of view different from the liberal-left.  What about one from Sean Hannity—another of the most popular.  Laura Ingraham—for that woman’s point-of-view (sure she’s conservative, but I thought that was legal in this country)?  Or any number of others?  What about asking a Canadian talk-show host like Lowell Green? Dave Rutherford?  Or any number of others who might present an alternative point of view from the liberal-left political talking points and agenda?  [Check our PTBC Listen Live links]

I think I just answered my own question. 

In opening the hearings in Washington, as shown live on CTV, a Democrat Congressman named Ike Skelton quotes a media poll of Iraqis by the liberal-left BBC and liberal ABC News as proof that the surge isn’t working.  CTV reporter on the scene, Tom Clark, reviews his speech which he cheerfully described as “eloquent”.  Then they go live to Democratic Representative Tom Lantos who continues to lambaste the Bush Administration. 

I guarantee—in advance—that they’ll end their live coverage the moment a Republican begins to give his opening remarks.

Oh dear. 


I was wrong—they did broadcast Republican remarks.  I proved my point about tendentiously prejudging eloquently


Osama bin Laden Cites ABC Story in Denouncing U.S. Role in Iraq


When it finally comes time for the General to talk, we find that the General’s microphone isn’t working and there is a delay.  So CTV cuts to their anchor, Kate Wheeler,  and reporter Tom Clark, whereupon the anchor laughs, “Gee Tom—things seem to being going as well there as in Iraq”—and both laugh heartily.  But as long as they’re not prejudging or anything….


They then go back to other agenda —surrendering in Afghanistan. Their “expert” is anti-Bush anti-war “objective” “expert” Stephen Staples, whom I’ve identified here several times before as a left-wing anti-Bush and anti-war hack, but which the CTV constantly—as they did this time—pass off as a totally objective analyst, without advising Canadians as to the overt anti-Bush, anti-war political ideology of the “expert”. 


As some Republican congressmen have revealed, today the far-left George Soros-funded organization, which the above mentioned Steven Staples identifies as the thing that “inspired” him, took out a full-page ad in the liberals’ bible, the New York Times, today.  The fact that the NYT even accepted that ad speaks volumes about their credibility.  It mocks General Petraeus as “General Betray-Us,”  in an egregiously poor taste display of their far-left moonbattery and betrayal of American unity in a time of war, respect for the military, and outright defamation of the good character of an honorable man serving his country.  How “inspiring”.


The liberal-left’s far-left feminist fringe nutbar contingent called Code Pink was there in droves.  They shouted at Petraeus and were ordered out.  The Democratic chairman of the hearings calls their interruptions “untolerable”.  Again that’s “untolerable”.  We’re to understand that as “intolerable”, presumably.  (Don’t worry, the state-run CBC will have no multi-hundred-word “news” stories regarding this liberal’s verbal malfunction.

Joel Johannesen
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