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Friday, February 28, 2025
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Crocus update: blooming is currently prorogued

Millions of emailers have written and asked…. OK let me start again in a less Obama-esque, honest sort of way, with my chin far lower.  Nobody, not a single person, has emailed to ask how the crocus sprout, first highlighted last week right here at PTBC in a photograph taken by me outside the vast PTBC world headquarters compound, is doing today. 

See, I had predicted in my blog entry that it would bloom by Sunday at 1:00 PM.  Nobody commented in that blog entry to offer-up their own predictions, exposing an embarrassing display of laissez-faire among my crocus-hating anti-crocus and clearly crocuphobic readership. 

Like Obama and his predictions that unemployment would not top 8% if Congress passed his trillion-dollar “stimulus” (wink!) package, I was very wrong (His unemployment is now closer to 11% and as much as 17% if all things are factored-in).  Even now, neither employment nor my crocus is really very close to blooming.  However, I maintain that if readers comment more often, the crocus will bloom, as if by magic. You know, like Obama-magic.

prorogued crocus

No liberals are protesting the crocus prorogation thing, but it would be time better and more meaningfully spent.  Plus it represents hope and change and crap like that.

Joel Johannesen
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