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Conservatives keep pushing for what’s right by Canadians

(…And liberals are against that).

But hey, oh goodie, another chance to remind readers that I suggested the government sue the Liberal Party to recover stolen cash long before they decided to do it.  Please remember, I am an awesome prescient genius.  Thank you.

But whenever I get to do this, I get the added bonus of featuring ridiculous comments from arrogant asses, otherwise known as liberals. 

Tories widen sponsorship lawsuit

[…] It is also another indication that the Tory government is serious about pursuing further legal actions, including against the Liberal party, which was in power during the sponsorship scandal and received political donations in return for directing contracts toward Liberal-friendly advertising firms in Quebec.

I also love it when the liberal media is forced—by virtue of the facts alone—to print the words “Liberal” and “Party” in their Liberal Party corruption stories— I would even just accept the word “liberal”!  Otherwise, they skip over that bit.  They simply call it the “federal sponsorship program” (wink!).  In this case, as we can see, they just happened to have been in power while all that was taking place

Anyway, about that lawsuit to recover taxpayer cash: 

“I expect that this very vexatious and prickly prime minister will do it, yeah,” said Steven MacKinnon, executive director of the Liberal party.

imageVexatious”!  And “prickly”!  Is this the new “angry”?  Or “hidden agenda”?  Or are the media just supposed to add that to “petulant”?  Being liberal is hard! 

Then the arrogant one said:

“We believe we have made more than full restitution to the taxpayers and that that will be quite easily demonstrable, but if Mr. Harper chooses to invest taxpayers dollars in what amounts to a political vendetta then he’s obviously going to have to explain that.”

No I’ll explain it.  The Liberal Party, after its adscam sponsorship corruption scandal, which was the biggest political corruption scandal perpetrated on Canadian citizens by a sitting government ever in our history, which involved some untold hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, paid back a paltry one million dollars to taxpayers, only after they were found out, after they denied it a thousand times, and after proof of their lies started coming out.  Of course the tacit admission of their criminal guilt was worth exactly “$priceless”, but I still want the cash anyway. 

Hope that helps, MacKinnon.  And by the by, you all made “more than full restitution”?  Are you going to sue to recover the excess then?

Oh and also, we’ve already “invested taxpayer dollars” (which MacKinnon and all liberals are sooo concerned about!) in the Liberal Party, Mr. MacKinnon, some of which was by way of brown paper bags and such as I understand it.  Or is it the case that that doesn’t count because you’re liberals and we’re mere Canadians?  I mean we know liberals live by a completely different set of standards and rules from the rest of us, and all. 

The bottom line, literally, is this:

The Public Works Ministry also revealed Friday on its website that it estimates the federal government will have to pay $665,000 in lawyers fees alone – plus court costs – in order to recoup the full $63 million.

Liberal media bias alert

Number 8,662,996

: “in lawyers fees ALONE”!.

Do the math.  It’s a one hundred times multiple on the investment. Or is doing the math “petulant”?

Joel Johannesen
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