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Conservatives give more to charity than liberals

Let’s let that headline settle in and digest for a bit like a fine steak au poivre

OK.  There now.  Liberals, stop inducing vomiting and just relax.  We were already onto you all a long time ago. 

Over at your state-run taxpayer-soaked leftist agitprop-o-rama, the people’s web site, they’re reporting that Canada, bless our Christian souls (my words, duh!) gave a record, whopping $7.9 BILLION to charity in 2005.  (If you include the aforementioned state-run media, it would be $8.9 BILLION, but I assume we’re talking about worthy charities).

Canadians give record $7.9B to charity in 2005

Nearly six million Canadians dug deeply into their pockets in 2005, donating a record $7.9 billion to charities, up $1 billion over the year before, says Statistics Canada.

Total donations increased by 13.8 per cent last year over 2004, with boosts in generosity from people in almost every province and territory, especially Alberta, which reported the highest increase at 21.1 per cent, the federal agency said Thursday.

Good and conservative Alberta had the highest increase?  Huh. 

I also read recently, and note in the strongest possible way with a yellow highlighter that it wasn’t added to this CBC story at all, nor any Canadian media that I could find, that in a new book to be released later this month, it was revealed that Christians and conservatives far outgive liberals.  The CBC will never, ever talk about this book, nor will any Canadian mainstream media, I predict.  Nor the New York Times, except possibly to mock it in some way, à la Ann Coulter’s huge New York Times best-sellers, in a painful yet joyous display of irony. 

The book, by Syracuse University professor Arthur C. Brooks, who is a Professor of Public Administration and Director of their Nonprofit Studies Program at their The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, says that according to his studies, religious conservatives donate far more money than secular liberals to all sorts of charitable activities, irrespective of income. 

“Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism” (Basic Books, $26), will be released Nov. 24.  Liberals are against that. 

According to an article I read at the phenomenally great web site Free Republic, “In the book, to be released later this month, he cites extensive data analysis to demonstrate that values advocated by conservatives—from church attendance and two-parent families to the Protestant work ethic and a distaste for government-funded social services—make conservatives more generous than liberals.”

The article goes on:

When it comes to helping the needy, Brooks writes: “For too long, liberals have been claiming they are the most virtuous members of American society. Although they usually give less to charity, they have nevertheless lambasted conservatives for their callousness in the face of social injustice.”

[…] The book’s basic findings are that conservatives who practice religion, live in traditional nuclear families and reject the notion that the government should engage in income redistribution are the most generous Americans, by any measure.

Conversely, secular liberals who believe fervently in government entitlement programs give far less to charity. They want everyone’s tax dollars to support charitable causes and are reluctant to write checks to those causes, even when governments don’t provide them with enough money.

Such an attitude, he writes, not only shortchanges the nonprofits but also diminishes the positive fallout of giving, including personal health, wealth and happiness for the donor and overall economic growth. All of this, he said, he backs up with statistical analysis.

“These are not the sort of conclusions I ever thought I would reach when I started looking at charitable giving in graduate school, 10 years ago,” he writes in the introduction. “I have to admit I probably would have hated what I have to say in this book.”

Still, he says it forcefully, pointing out that liberals give less than conservatives in every way imaginable, including volunteer hours and donated blood.

Brooks was raised in a liberal academic household, and was once registered as a Democrat.  He’s now an Independent.  Huh.

As a commenter at Free Republic suggested:  be charitable.  Buy two books —one for you, and one for a liberal.

The article at Free Republic is from a news item written by Frank Brieaddy, a staff writer for The Post-Standard of Syracuse, N.Y.


Joel Johannesen
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