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Conservative eye candy for thinking conservative men

I got a kick out of this story…. (and then I acted accordingly with cash in my mitts…)

  Eye candy

While 2006 is still months away, we were allowed first peek yesterday at next year’s Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute pin-up calendar, which honors “great American conservative women” for once.
Miss January honors, rightlyso, go to the late Mrs. Luce, an accomplished foreign and domestic journalist, magazine editor, playwright, congresswoman from Connecticut and ambassador to Italy.
imageMiss America 2003 Erika Harold is crowned Miss February; blonde TV pundit Kellyanne Conway, president and CEO of the Polling Company and WomanTrend, is Miss March; Miss April is Marji Ross of Regnery Publishing in Washington; Becky Norton Dunlop, vice president at the Heritage Foundation, is Miss May; and Suzanne Fields, the nationally syndicated op-ed columnist for The Washington Times, carries us into summer as Miss June.
Everybody’s favorite gun-rights advocate, Shemane Nugent, wife of rock legend Ted Nugent, is Miss July; Miss August is New York ladies’ magazine magnate Myrna Blyth; for Miss September, we find syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin; Miss October honors go to Virginia Republican Party Chairman Kate Obenshain Griffin; popular MSNBC host Monica Crowley makes an attractive Miss November; and last but never least, Miss December is Ann Coulter, who requires no introduction.

image Missing in action due to the fact that there’s far more than a mere 12 conservative women who are worthy of this honor:  Another VP at Heritage Foundation, our Columnist team member Rebecca Hagelin,  and our Cinnamon Stillwell, and so many others that they’re too numerous to mention. image

And what about a Canadian calendar?  Oh you gotta know I am already all over that idea… because that kind of pleasant thinking is what vacations are for!

You can order your U.S. version here with your donation of $25.00 (U.S.) or more to the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, but you can’t use their donation form if you live in Canada because it doesn’t provide the option to choose your province – only U.S. states, understandably. So I emailed them and asked them if they wouldn’t make it easier for us conservative Canucks, and I’ll let you know what they say. 


A couple of emails later…. ACTION, efficient conservative-style!

Dear Mr. Johannesen,

Our website eDonation page has now been updated and includes an option for Canadian provinces.

Thank you for bringing it to our attention and sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Wishes,

Marie McNary
Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute

And one more update, August 24:

There was a problem accepting international donations using their web form, so they’ve now highlighted a toll-free number at the top of the donation page to accept international donations. 


Joel Johannesen
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