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Our columnist Ann Coulter gets cover of TIME magazine columnist Ann Coulter is on the cover of Time this week.  (Here’s your hat tip, Exile!)

Yes, apparently she writes for other publications too, so she’s not ours alone, but probably ours alone in Canada.  And oh liberals, by the way, yoohoo—are you still there?  Don’t run away like little girls!  They also mention that “Ann Coulter’s four books are among the best-selling titles of the past decade”  (buy them through and we get a tiny commission.  Thanks.) 

Liberals, especially in Canada, will be in full dudgeon about this Time cover this week.  They never peeped when Fidel Castro or Yasser Arafat was on the cover, nor Saddam Hussein or Kim Jung Il.  But Ann Coulter?  I’m going to add an extra database backup for our web site so it’s backed-up every few hours now. 

Watch for a call for a ban of Time Magazine by liberal moonbats, liberal media stories on things you never heard of or cared about ever in your life, and an anti-conservative fervor not heard or felt in Canada in, well, since Stephen Harper nearly won the last election.  (By the way, I have a feeling Ann Coulter would call Stephen Harper a sissy liberal, and as usual with Ann Coulter, one would have to dig pretty deep to find valid arguments against that sentiment).  I would venture a crackdown on American media leaking into Canada would be in order too, by our liberal mommies and daddies in Ottawa. 

Matt Drudge reports:

Ann Coulter epitomizes the way politics is now discussed on the airwaves, where opinions must come violently fast and cause as much friction as possible, TIME’s John Cloud claims in this week’s cover story.

No one, right or left, delivers the required apothegmatic commentary on the world with as much glee or effectiveness as Coulter, Cloud writes (on newsstands Monday, April 18).

It is almost impossible to watch her and not be sluiced into rage or elation, depending on your views. As a congressional staff member 10 years ago, Coulter used to help write the nation’s laws.

Now she is far more powerful: she helps set the nation’s tone. TIME’s Cloud had unprecedented access to Coulter.

He goes more than 6,000 words.

And he appears to come away liking her.

“On TV or in person, you can trust that Coulter will speak from her heart. The officialdom of punditry, so full of phonies and dullards, would suffer without her humor and fire. Which is not to say you don’t want to shut her up occasionally,” Cloud notes.


Joel Johannesen
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