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Maclean’s mag concedes Palin “UNSTOPPABLE”, while National Post advises us to therefore “IGNORE HER”

No great friend of any conservative, particularly American conservatives, Maclean’s magazine features an article about Sarah Palin in this coming week’s edition.  image

It’s reasonably fairly written.  For example, it concedes, or admits, quite rightly, in a stunning break from the established liberal media talking points and pop-news culture meme, that in the end, after all the outrageous liberal-left caterwauling and bashing and personal attacks and outright character assassination attempts, they have ultimately FAILED to stop her.  One can’t help but sense the palpable high dudgeon contained therein.

As if to make that point plain and simple, their cover features a huge smiling picture of the woman we know as the good Miss Palin, (not from their “goofiest pics of Palin” file, for once, either!) and reads “UNSTOPPABLE” — unwittingly betraying that which only they think is self-evident and obvious: that all along, we’ve all been trying to stop her.  Only committed liberals, who always think everybody in the room agrees with them, think that way, and have actually been trying to “stop” her.  The rest of us cheer her along.  The media’s multiple pronouncements of the political death of her and her “15 minutes of fame”, and that she’s “finally done like dinner”, and “she’s well past her best before date”, and countless other such novelties always using one or more of the words “stupid” or “idiot” or “useless” over and over and over again, failed to stop her, and she is indeed a force to be reckoned with — or as their cover also laments, she is actually “reshaping America”.  So much for “useless” and “irrelevant”.

As I mentioned yesterday, for its own part, the National Post, which never misses a chance to gratuitously bash any real conservative living or dead, particularly an American one who might also be guiding a huge swath of American political sentiment — like our Ann Coulter, whom they recently and gratuitously bashed once again as now fully “irrelevant” and, cattily bid her “good night” — they just yesterday bashed Sarah Palin as “a complete idiot”.

You have to laugh at the like-mindedness being exhibited by the Sarah Palin-hating liberal-left media on this.  While Maclean’s finally admits that alas, despite their efforts, image she’s “UNSTOPPABLE”, the National Post agrees but wails, “She Won’t Go Away, But Ignore Her”.

So let’s review the past two days:  Maclean’s thinks she’s an unstoppable force (despite the efforts) in the whole of American politics who is actually “reshaping America”;  and the simpatico National Post also thinks she won’t “go away”, and yet she’s a “complete idiot”.  Then doesn’t that mean the National Post thinks Americans are “complete idiots”?  I vote yes — that they think they are.

Note however that this whole paradigm magically shifts when they’re talking about their man, the ever so smart Barack Obama, and his election by the same Americans.  Then they’re all geniuses.

I always try to point out when the New York Times or USA Today or some other mainstream media features links to PTBC blog entries or columns, because Canadian media and blogs rarely or really, never do.  Just now I noticed the Yahoo-owned Buzz Tracker, described as the “news site that leverages the power of the “head of the long tail” of the blogosphere”, which features “high quality blogs that feature original content”, features this blog entry as a “buzz-worthy” blog entry.  That will generate lots of attention, like it does when the NYT features links.  The National Post and the other Canadian media never feature any ProudToBeCanadian articles for any reason whatsoever, ever.  I think it’s because I feature THEM so often in my blog entries, and they love me so.  In a coincidental Canadian connection, I LOVE how the BuzzTracker link to my PTBC blog entry is above one to a lousy Globe and Mail article.  The Globe and Mail also never links to any PTBC articles, ever.  So we STING the NatPo and the GlobMail in one jab thanks to Buzz Tracker.


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Joel Johannesen
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