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Monday, February 24, 2025
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Liberals don’t do laundry, partially explaining their stink

The Liberal Party’s “sponsorship” corruption under the Chretien/Martin administration is still being investigated, which I tell you only because I’m the only one on Earth who is paying attention. 

To the wily liberal media commentators out there who are all agog at the success of the nefarious “right-wing bloggers” in revealing liberal corruption, lies, revisionist history, lack of moral fiber and decency, and the ubiquitous Dan Rathers of the world, here’s my own conspiratorial “right-wing blogger” trade secret:  Since this political corruption scandal is the biggest corruption scandal in Canadian history and we don’t even know the half of it and many of those accused and under suspicion are in power right now as we speak, I “have it on my radar”.  Once again that’s “have it on my radar”.

Secret number two, though I don’t expect you to cotton on to it, is: “I love my country”. 

Francois Beaudoin, the former president of the Business Development Bank of Canada, who also had a clue, and who some would say was manhandled by Jean (“a proof is a proof”) Chretien and members of his corrupt street gang,

Joel Johannesen
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