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Kill bad people, good Canadian soldiers!

Fantastic Canadian soldiers are starting to arrive in Afghanistan again—on our own Canadian military aircraft!—to carry on the good fight against evil terrorists and killers.  Radical leftist fundamentalist Carolyn Parrish is convinced most of her liberal-left colleagues are on side with her and are dead-set against this, however, and she might just be right! 

Canadian soldiers begin arriving in Kandahar region of Afghanistan

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (CP) – The main body of Canadian soldiers being deployed to Afghanistan has begun arriving in the treacherous Kandahar region. They’re part of what will be a 250-strong provincial reconstruction team, the first such team Canada has sent to Afghanistan.

The Canadian troops were flown on two C-130 Hercules military aircraft to the U.S. military base just outside Kandahar on Thursday.

Over the next couple of days, the remainder of the soldiers will arrive. They will rest for a day or so before going on patrols with U.S. forces already in the area.

The reconstruction team, known as a PRT, is setting up camp closer to Kandahar.

Most of the troops are from 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, mainly members of Edmonton Garrison’s 1 Combat Engineer Regiment, 3 Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry and 1 Service Battalion. Another 50 from other Canadian bases will provide specialized skills such as satellite communications.

In Kandahar, the southern Afghan region that was once a stronghold of the Taliban, the reconstruction team will assist in defence, diplomacy and development.

The Canadians will take over patrols in and around Kandahar from a U.S. team that lost four soldiers to a suicide bomb attack less than a month ago.

The idiotologist Parrish, liberal, who sent an open letter to Liberal Party Defence Minister Bill Graham yesterday, blasting Canada’s good new chief of defence staff, General Rick Hillier, as “truly barbaric” and calling on the government to “muzzle the beast,”  also says this (confusing liberals with “Canadian public”):

“We’re sending in armed troops to kill people (in Afghanistan). This is a drastic change in direction. I don’t think anybody has consulted with the Canadian public. The first time Canadian soldiers come back in body bags, you just wait for the outcry,” said Ms. Parrish, who was elected as a Liberal in 1993 but has been sitting in the backbenches as an independent MP since last year.

“If this thing gets any deeper in (Afghanistan) and we get a couple of dead Canadians back, I’ll vote to bring the government down the first opportunity I got.”

…And if the government complies with the demands of the brilliant military strategist Carolyn Parrish, me and all my friends—Canadians—will vote to bring down the government the first opportunity we all have.  Well hell—we will anyway!

Joel Johannesen
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