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How Liberals Think - example 4,692

I’d like to have “Momma” written on my ass please!  Now DO it!

Conservative MP Randy White is rightly asking why in blazes the Liberals are spending money to buy jailhouse prisoners the tattoos of their choice etched all over their lovely criminal bodies. 

A $3.7-million, six-year pilot project that gives Canada’s prison inmates dirt-cheap tattoos is a “ludicrous” expenditure of taxpayer funds, a Tory [Conservative Party] MP has said. Correctional Services Canada (CSC) will install tattoo parlours in six prisons in a bid to stop the spread of HIV and hepatitis C through the use of dirty tattoo needles.

Inmates will get a two-hour prison tattoo session for $5.

“The people who are really sick across Canada must wonder what we are thinking about when we subsidize inmates for something that is totally unnecessary,” Tory MP Randy White said.

[…] “This is presented by CSC as some kind of health-care program … when Canadians with diabetes have to go out and buy their own needles,” he said.

On the other hand, life-ending abortions are also labeled as a health service and are also covered by all the taxpayers.

White also ridiculed CSC’s plan to staff the tattoo parlours with inmates.

“Not only will we subsidize the inmates to get tattoos, but we will pay inmates to staff the parlours,” he said, adding CSC has agreed to pay inmate tatooists the going in-prison job rate of $5 to $6 an hour.

White said the annual cost of prison tattoo parlours will reach $611,000 in the first year, which means a cost of almost $3.7 million over the duration of the six-year pilot.

If the plan is adopted, which White says it almost certainly will be, and goes into Canada’s 53 prisons, taxpayers could be on the hook for more than $5 million each year, White said.

“I’ve never seen a pilot project yet that didn’t continue.”

White challenged CSC to show him “one study that says this is a good idea.”

White wonders how the feds can use the health protection argument to give inmates subsidized tattoos and not extend that service to “citizens who have not committed crimes.”

Being liberal must be hard.  It’s so confusing.

Joel Johannesen
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