No I’m just kidding—he isn’t in hiding now—in fact you could say he’s “coming out” and saying the right things. He may well be fired or demoted but he’s saying the right things alright.
On the heels of a previous blog entry (Michelle Malkin: “Tough noogies”) about liberals and their ever-so-“understanding” language used in place of words like “terrorists” (replaced with “meaniepants”) and “Islamic murderers” (replaced with “religious hot-heads”), our own Canadian General spoke….. un-Canadian!
I understand he’s in intensive care now.
Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier said…
“We’re not going to let those radical murderers and killers rob from others and certainly we’re not going to let them rob from Canada”.
[…] “These are detestable murderers and scumbags,” Hillier said. “They detest our freedoms, they detest our society, they detest our liberties.”
That’s all good. Almost aggressive. And I would say it sounds almost “American”, which would be a good thing because it would indicate a measure of alertness or awareness of an obvious murderous Islamo-fascist terrorist “sicheeation” that we’ve got going on here. Unfortunately, as a result of Canada lacking even basic modern military equipment, the Americans would say “he’s all hat and no cattle”. And the wind leaves my sails.
But he goes on—mmmbut you can detect the liberalometer kick in and you can practically see it hit the redline. He must have been straining to avoid using Iraq as an example…
Terrorists must not be allowed to feed on the instability of countries like Afghanistan lest that instability be allowed to “come home to roost here,” Gen. Rick Hillier said Thursday. “The London attack actually tells us once more: we can’t let up,” Hillier told a media luncheon at National Defence Headquarters.
“There are those who might say that by doing that we make ourselves a target in Canada here for terrorists. I would come at it this way. . . . We need to take a stand.”
Listen, liberals: “We need to take a stand.” Freedom of speech! He’s allowed to say that!
And for that, the good General gets my Quote of the Week Award.
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