Friday, September 20, 2024

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CNN predicts Obama in N. Carolina with 0% of precincts reporting

“You’re in the Situation Room!”  And therein lies the problem.  Get out of the smelly Situation Room and things are clearer. 

Randy sent in this liberal media election coverage fancy chart malfunction from his visit to the dark side—CNN.  (Maybe Fox News Channel was in commercial).  It’s a weird, bold prediction, judging by what their crack chart shows.  They called it for their man, The Great Obama, with these stats? 


In the Situation Room, this makes sense.  Obama will win when you’ve got 0% of the precincts reporting, and Obama with 38% of the vote compared to 58% for Hillary.  Clearly. You’re in the Situation Room. 

Clearly a mathematical charting and prediction malfunction, which they’ve fixed now.  You’re in the Situation Room.  But you should be watching Fox News Channel for their superb coverage right now anyway.  Reporter Megyn Kelly has new glasses.  Photo coming.

You’re in the Situation Room.

Joel Johannesen
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