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Church of overt leftist liberalism in full evangelical mode in BC

Good morning.


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Those brain dead political know-it-alls (or are they liars with a Fabian socialist agenda?  Yes I do believe that is what is actually at play here) in BC’s media and academia who keep claiming that the BC Liberals are a “right-wing” party or even a “conservative” party and that they are, as the extremely left-wing socialist NDP calls them, “the most extreme right-wing party in BC’s history”, need to take their anti-lie and stupid pills. 

Or is the overt religion of liberal-leftist fundamentalism the new “right” in BC?  And if it is, where does that place the NDP opposition on the spectrum?  In the Godless church of Fidel Castro?  If it does, it’s time for (a) a new political uprising in BC and to find an actual conservative party to provide leadership and reflect our Canadian values, (b) an election and (c) for me to move out and take up battle stations elsewhere.  Certainly no kid of mine will ever go to public school in BC.

Church and state my ass.  Get your church out of my schools, you liberal-leftist fundamentalist hypocrits and liars.

Gay guarantee for provincial curriculum

Contract assures same-sex couple will have unprecedented influence over B.C. curriculum

Janet Steffenhagen, Vancouver sun
Published: Friday, June 16, 2006

British Columbia is giving a same-sex couple an unprecedented role in a review of the provincial curriculum to ensure respectful teachings about sexual orientation from kindergarten to Grade 12.

A six-page contract, signed by the Education Ministry and obtained by The Vancouver Sun, guarantees Peter and Murray Corren a significant voice in the revision of classroom lessons to recognize gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people and the creation of a new social-justice course—to include teachings about sexual orientation—for Grade 12 students.

The parties have agreed to seek mediation in the event of a dispute and have acknowledged the contract is legally binding.

Many educators welcomed the agreement, saying it will make B.C. a North American leader in teaching respect for diversity. But most admitted they don’t know what the changes might look like in practice.

Here’s some liberal-leftist fundamentalist fascism for you:

Independent schools that receive government funding insisted they wouldn’t be affected by the deal, even though they are required by law to teach the same curriculum as public schools.

“As far as we’re concerned, this agreement applies to public schools only,” said Doug Lauson, head of the Federation of Independent School Associations and associate superintendent of Catholic schools in Vancouver.

The ministry would not confirm that directly.

And here’s where the liberal-left’s church of socialist daycare and “early learning” (—wink, flip you the bird) starts to leak its hidden agenda: 

Asked what he hopes the six-page contract will produce, Corren replied: “Fair and appropriate reflection of non-heterosexual realities in the curriculum.”

Or, as he put it earlier in documents filed with the tribunal, he wants schools to teach: “Queer history and historical figures, the presence of positive queer role models—past and present—the contributions made by queers to various epochs, societies and civilizations and legal issues relating to (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) people, same-sex marriage and adoption.”

The ministry has agreed to consult regularly with the Correns in developing guidelines for the curriculum review and setting priorities.

The Correns say the subjects that require urgent attention are social studies for K-7, health and career education for K-9 and—to a lesser extent—English-language arts for K-7.

Charles Ungerleider, who is also a UBC education professor and was the NDP’s deputy education minister when the Correns began their battle 10 years ago, said:

…he applauds the Liberal government for signing the deal.

[…] Furthermore, he said the Correns’ goals are a reflection of Canada’s social-justice values.

“In effect, they are advocating for all youngsters and a better society for you and me.”

And this is where the “progressives”, that is the liberal-leftists like the various Liberal Parties and the NDPs and all the others diocese like the Marxist Leninist Party of Canada and the many various gay organizations want to “progress” to:

The harshest criticism

[Joel’s note —the reporter only asked supporters!  They report (liberal media-style), you decide.]

of the contract came from Xtra West, a gay and lesbian newspaper in Vancouver that accused the Correns of settling too soon for too little. “I want the government to liberally sprinkle queer content throughout all the course material where we are now conspicuously absent,” Robin Perelle said in an editorial.

… because this isn’t the end game here, folks.  “Progressives” are only just getting going.  Are you awake yet?

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