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Tuesday, January 28, 2025
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Child-like Liberal MP whines: Harper’s not the Emperor of Canada, ya know!

Liberal backbencher Pablo Rodriguez says that if his bill forcing the Conservatives to abide by the ridiculous Kyoto targets that environmental geniuses (and “progressives”!) Chretien, Martin, Carolyn Parrish and “Green Guru” Dion set for Canada is passed, his bill will compel the government to abide by liberal ideals instead of Conservative government ideals. 

He left out: Then, Canada’s economy will be decimated, apparently just as the Liberals wish for you and your family at this time, because it might might might buy votes for liberals! Vote liberal!  

Then he said this:

“They are bound to it. It’s the law of the land,” said Rodriguez. “The prime minister cannot cherry pick laws. He’s not the new emperor of Canada.

He was shaking a pink rattle as he said it.  And stomping his widdle feet.  He’s so cute! 

Then he said this:

“The government has to respect it and implement it. If not, we go to the courts,” he said.

If I were a Liberal today, personally, I’d try very hard to stay rather far away from “the courts”.  I mean they’ve been lucky so far. 

But ahh yes, the liberals’ courts division.  Old Reliable.  Ye Emperor’s savior, as long as the Emperor is a liberal-lefty or gay.  Before one recent and important House vote during the Liberal “reign”—the vote changing the definition of “Canadian family” and “marriage” to one that liberal-leftists in government liked better —they stuck a couple of decidedly gay-luvin’ liberal-left women on the Supreme Court.  Just in time!  And well damn—they read “gay marriage is a human right” into the Charter of Rights for us.  Liberals see things we plain folk don’t see!  They’re different that way. 

And heck: the liberals in Canada spent all those years stacking the courts from top to bottom with their liberal-left sympathizers and activists for just such occasions, so one should expect them to once again rely on them—their courts division—rather than dumb old elections and so on to set the course for Canada.  Elections mean nothing unless liberals win.  And even if they don’t win, they pretend they did.  The elected Conservative Prime Minister and the government be damned. They ain’t liberals! 

Rodriguez for Emperor!  He’s so trendy! 

(Rodriguez was busy playing cowboys and indians and was unavailable for comment.)

Vote Grrrit!

Joel Johannesen
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