As they always do at left-wing or far-left, pro-Palestinian organizations which take swipes at Israel at every possible opportunity, justified or not, Canada’s state-owned media, the CBC, constantly engages the “expert” opinions and analysis of pro-Palestinian or even pro-Hamas political agitprops to “inform” Canadians about the situation there.
Continuing with their identical coverage from last week and really since attacks against Israel resumed following the end of the latest ceasefire in attacks against Israel, the pro-Palestinian leftists at the CBC reflexively attach themselves to pro-Palestinian and arguably anti-Israel, pro-Hamas agitprops for commentary; but more importantly, they don’t inform Canadians as to the nature of their political attachments.
The group they used this morning, “Free Gaza Movement” is actually connected to the pro-Palestinian group the CBC attached themselves to last week (see several blog entries), the “International Solidarity Movement”, which pretends to seek a resolution only through peaceful means, but yet it is documented that “…we recognise the Palestinian right to resist Israeli violence and occupation via legitimate armed struggle…”.

Nonetheless, as I’ve pointed out countless times, the CBC never identifies these spokesmen as pro-Palestinian or pro-Hamas or anti-Israel political agitprops. They identify them only as totally reliably unbiased, objective, neutral observers, or, and I quote exactly from last week, as “human rights researchers”.
The CBC’s Newsworld anchor Nancy Wilson introduced this spokesman this morning after showing scenes from a Palestinian hospital as such (and I quote exactly): “Some scenes inside a hospital in northern Gaza and they likely look very familiar to one volunteer who’s been working with emergency services in Gaza for the past three weeks. Eva Jasiewicz is a Gaza coordinator for the Free Gaza Movement and we’ve reached her by phone….”
The Free Gaza Movement is an international political organization created in 2008 by a coalition of pro-Palestinian political organizations and activists for the purpose of publicizing the Israeli blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip after the election of Hamas …
The web site of the Free Gaza Movement group boasts that Noam Chomsky says of them: “A courageous and necessary endeavor”, and the site constantly refers to “The Israeli War on Gaza”. Just like the CBC.
The Guardian newspaper describes Ewa Jasiewicz as “a writer, journalist, human rights activist and union organiser”.
Her recent article on the current conflict appears in the “Socialist Unity” website as seen at left. It also appeared at “Counterpunch”, a far-left publication that includes in its list of contributors: Fidel Castro, Ward Churchill, and Noam Chomsky.
She appeared at a guest speaker along with Communist Party (UK) representatives and other socialists at a “socialist resistance day school”, at which socialism and communism was promoted, in 2007. She spoke on the topic of “solidarity and the socialist perspective”. You can watch video of her talk, as posted at the “New Socialist” website.
Note that this morning, the CBC has apparently decided to characterize this thing as a solely Israeli aggression against Gaza (not the other way around, which it actually is). For example, they call this battle “ATTACKS ON GAZA: DAY 10”, utterly ignoring the facts in the case, which are that Hamas terrorists are firing rockets at Israel indiscriminately, daily, and have been for years. And it’s not their “DAY 10” of attacks against Israel, but more like “DAY 22,000”. As a result of their political posturing, rather than saying “HAMAS CONTINUES TO FIRE ROCKETS AND TERRORIZE ISRAEL”, the only information they provide and would apparently like you to absorb at a glance, is that Israel attacks Gaza.
Also note the subtle change in the way the CBC would like you to think of this thing: On “Day 3”, it was “GAZA ATTACKS”, and now as you can see above, it’s “ATTACKS ON GAZA”.
Next up from the CBC: another report on the CBC from their man from the pro-Arab Al-Jazeera network.

If all you watched was the CBC, I think you’d be woefully uninformed and in fact misinformed.
The CBC later did a few seconds on the Hamas terrorist bombings against Israel, but it had the feel of a separate issue altogether, and only a minor one, and that short little story had a separate banner reading “HAMAS ROCKET ATTACKS”. It included no interviews with “experts”.
USA Today picks up link to PTBC blog entry in their “Canada” section…
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