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Canadian labor union — left-wing extremists — pushes for radical Israeli-banning vote

image Providing further proof that the far-left labor union movement in Canada is nothing short of another division of Canada’s liberal-left and far-left political parties, Sid Ryan, the extremist left-wing leader of the public sector union representing government workers and university teachers and many other state-employed, taxpayer-paid employees, CUPE, is calling on his union to ban Israelis from teaching in Ontario schools. 

I don’t know if the radical leftist Sid Ryan wants to cleanse Ontario universities and colleges of Jews who are already here.  The press release doesn’t say.


I imagine that by logical extension, if he were Prime Minister of Canada, or just an MP, he would ask or demand that Israelis be banned from Canada generally, and possibly that all existing Jews be removed from Canada in one manner or another.  I’m not scientifically sure about this—it’s just my own logical extension of what I’m reading or reading into this.  It’s worth pondering, because Sid Ryan seems bent on becoming an MP (for the NDP), having run several times already and showing no signs of giving up. 

I think this action is based on the idea that he sympathizes with the terrorist Hamas-led Palestinians.  I don’t know if he hates Jews or not.  He doesn’t explicitly say that he does, nor is it written anywhere that his union officially hates Jews.  In fact it is written nowhere, nor have I ever heard him say that he hates Jews.

Union members in Canada—while forced to pay their union dues to unions and bosses like this, and then have that cash spent on these kinds of radical political activities, don’t appear to be raising the issue of being forced to pay union dues and having it spent like this, so I take it they all agree with this kind of radical anti-Israel, anti-Jew, pro-Palestinian political action. 

CUPE calls for ban on Israeli professors

Vanessa Kortekaas / The National Post

Ontario’s largest university workers union is proposing a ban on Israeli academics teaching in the province’s universities, in a move that echoes previous attempts to boycott goods and services from the Jewish state.

The resolution, proposed by CUPE’s Ontario University Workers Coordinating Committee, is in protest of a Dec. 29 bombing that damaged the Islamic University in Gaza.

“In response to an appeal from the Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees, we are ready to say Israeli academics should not be on our campuses unless they explicitly condemn the university bombing and the assault on Gaza in general,” said Sid Ryan, president of CUPE Ontario.

The resolution is still being drafted but the union said it will seek to prohibit Israeli academics from speaking, teaching or researching at Ontario universities. The CUPE committee will distribute the resolution to its members at the end of the month.


Approximately 100 committee members will vote on the resolution at the conference on Feb. 19 in Windsor.

As those of us in the sensible set know, Hamas-led Palestinians are killing, maiming, and terrorizing Israelis, and have done so for decades, because they don’t believe Israel has a right to exist.  They certainly hate Jews.  They categorically refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist, and they exist largely to see Israel and all its people wiped off the face of the earth. They are officially categorized as terrorists, in our country.  But Sid Ryan and CUPE don’t care.  They appear to me to to approve of and support the terrorists. 

imageOther labor unions like CUPE sympathize with Sid Ryan’s CUPE, as do many Canadian politicians, but they’re virtually all on the left and far-left side of the political spectrum.  Small-c conservatives do not share this extremist point of view, at all. 

For example, Sid Ryan is on the socialist Ontario NDP’s provincial council and is a former president of the Durham Centre riding association.  The NDP strongly supports Sid Ryan and his radical left-wing extremist beliefs on Israel.  He has repeatedly run and lost in Ontario provincial and federal elections, for the NDP.  The leader of the federal NDP, Jack Layton, strongly supports Sid Ryan, having campaigned for him in the 2006 election. 

Joel Johannesen
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