Saturday, September 7, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Canada’s Iranian-style media regulator increases mandatory Canadian content

Canada’s benevolent state-regulator of what we’re allowed to watch on TV and listen to on the radio, the CRTC division of the liberal-left which is stacked from top to bottom with Liberal appointments, has ruled again from on high (and as usual, given its make-up, by “on high” we mean that we can never be sure if they’re high on pot or just what exactly). 

Much like in Iran and China, where they monitor and set limits on what their citizens can listen to on the radio and watch on TV, ensuring that adequate Iranian material or Chinese communist material is broadcast, and that filthy American “freedom” nonsense is banished, the CRTC has raised the amount of radio content that MUST, by law, be Canadian content. 

No, you are not free to hear whatever you want to hear, and radio stations are not free to play any old music they want in Canada.  Liberal bureaucrats in Ottawa have pulled some figures out of their rear ends that will ultimately be good for you, dear Canadian. 

As you may know, Canadian, just as the liberals in Canada think you are too stupid to spend your own money on your own basic health care or on raising your own children (‘cuz you’ll go ahead and spend it on yummy beer and popcorn!), you are also too stupid to develop your own culture.  Therefore one will be created for you by government decree!  They know better than you so just shut up about this and let them create your culture for you!  It worked in Iran and Iraq and China and such, so why not here?  “True north strong and free” is just a sentence, silly!  Soon we will have our very own culture, courtesy of dear leader.  It won’t be “American-style” either!  Never mind that that’s what you like!  That’s not the point! 

The CRTC decided not to raise Canadian content requirements on commercial radio stations to 40 per cent, a move that was opposed by broadcasters in their submissions to the regulator.

Instead, Canadian content levels will remain at 35 per cent.

However, radio listeners will soon be hearing more Canadian concert music, blues and jazz, as the minimum Canadian content for these styles of music has been raised.

The CRTC plans to set a minimum of 25 per cent Canadian content for concert music and 20 per cent for jazz and blues.

It will also ask radio stations to make specific proposals to play music by emerging artists when they apply to renew their licences.

That news was reported on the state-media—the CBC

Over at the CTV, they report:

[…] The federal regulator also says it will almost double the amount of money it collects from radio stations in order to support home-grown talent…

[CRTC Chairman Charles Dalfen said:] “The establishment of a new approach to Canadian content development (CCD), financed by the contributions of broadcasters, will place an emphasis on the creation and promotion of audio content for broadcast through the development of Canadian musical and spoken word talent, including journalists. This approach should help to increase the amount of high-quality Canadian music and spoken word material, and promote emerging Canadian talent.”



Maybe free-thinking Canadians should drop a respectful note to the Minister in charge.

Minister of Heritage
Bev Oda, MP Parliament Hill Office
121 East Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
(613) 992-2792 (Phone)
(613) 992-2794 (Fax)
[email protected]

Joel Johannesen
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