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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Canada’s capitalist roots are optimistic with Harper gov’t

I like stories like this because anything that makes life in the world of free enterprise Canada better, makes Canada better.  Maybe corporate Canada is optimistic simply because they believe that soon, the government will stop competing against its own citizens for profits in so many areas that the government has absolutely no business being in.  It could happen!  We started that way, dontchaknow, and it worked out pretty well for us all. 

Corporate Canada’s growing optimism

Canada’s top executives are overwhelmingly optimistic about Stephen Harper’s new government in Ottawa, predicting it will manage the economy better than the previous Liberal government.

A new survey of 150 chief executive officers, chief financial officers and chief operating officers—known as the C-suite—found 86 per cent of business leaders expect the new government to be a positive change and 88 per cent think it will be better for business.

When asked whether they are worried the new government won’t manage the economy as well as the Liberals, 77 per cent disagreed.

(Hat tip Ross M.)

This story reminded me of a ridiculous 1/3-page advertisement that a leftist named George Mann bought in our little local paper last week.  It was full of misinformation—which the paper clearly didn’t care about since they saw fit to print it—and had a very clear message.  He was bitterly complaining about most everything the B.C. government was doing these wingnutsdays —  a government he clearly sees as a “right-wing” government , notwithstanding the fact that they’re Liberals through-and-through. 

Let’s see if we can figure out his message with this one paragraph, in the middle of the ridiculous ad:

[…] This Government was not afraid to sell all the moneymaking portions of B.C. Hydro, B.C. Tel, B.C. Ferries, new and old B.C. Rail, and now the super sale of our gas and water!  Do you believe that anyone would actually purchase these assets in order to lose money?  Of course not!  Why should we have sold off a money-generating asset?


I’ll answer that for you, Mr. Mann:  It’s because we aren’t communists.  Again, that’s communists.  This is not a communist country and Canadians are not by mature or historic root communists.  That’s why.  Hope that helps, and I hope that helps so many wingnuts across Canada who totally agree with this kind of specious extreme left-wing rant.

Joel Johannesen
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