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Cabinet shuffle: Media thinks it’s a game of Texas Holdem

Today’s media blitz across Canada, warning Canadians of what the Toronto Star last week called Harper’s “plot” to shuffle the cabinet, is in full indoctrination mode, masquerading as “news” stories.

It’s like a pre-poll advance advisory (in the form of prescient “news” articles to the liberal media’s readers) on their preferred way for you to think about, and then respond to the cabinet shuffle tomorrow.  The liberal media apparently thinks you are so stupid that you need to be told in advance the correct way to react and then respond to pollsters.  The likes of the Council of Liberal Media Strategery and Indoctrination ‘n Polls fer liberals Committee (or whatever the CanWest MediaWorks’ pollster is called) will then be able to swoop in with their shocking findings.

Here’s the ever-so-creative ways their “” papers are straining to “play their cards” (in actual fact, “stack the deck”) against Conservatives today.  Most of these headlines could easily include the words” How to “deal” with the pollster when he or she calls”:

• The Vancouver Sun chooses to nonsensically mix metaphors:
“Shuffling the deck may not sweeten pot”

• The Regina Leader-Post practically tells you the outcome as if they’re looking at your cards: “Cabinet shuffles don’t always deal winning hand”

• The Victoria Times Colonist dealt this: “Cabinet shuffle in the cards”.  They then include their li’l warning—it’s built in to the sub-headline: “But as federal history demonstrates, it won’t guarantee a winning hand”.  Darn the luck. 

• The Calgary Herald simply asks, knowingly: “Can Harper shuffle boost Tory fortunes?”  Then in the story, answers for you, in advance of it happening: “No.” (Shock!)

• The National Post warns it’s a failure in advance: “Cabinet shuffles seldom lift support”.

• The Edmonton Journal does similarly: “Cabinet shuffle may come as soon as today” and adds the sub-headline: “But if recent trends hold true, Conservatives shouldn’t expect a sudden jump in popularity”.

• …As does the Saskatoon Star Phoenix: “Cabinet shuffle likely this week”.  Sub-headline: “Recent history shows political fortunes rarely improve”.

• …As does the Windsor Star: “Cabinet shuffle likely this week”. Sub-headline: “Recent history shows political fortunes rarely improve”.

• …As does the Montreal Gazette: “Cabinet shuffle could come as early as today”.  Sub-headline: “Study of seven past realignments shows little or no rise in support for ruling party”.

• …As does the Ottawa Citizen: “Cabinet shuffle likely this week”.  Sub-headline: “Recent history shows political fortunes rarely improve”.

• The Vancouver Province (online version) simply made a statement with a typo built in: “Harper’s second cabinet shuffle thisweek”.

So why not just wait until after the cabinet shuffle, check the polling, and then report results almost as if they are there to report the news rather than tell you how to think?  See first few sentences of this blog entry. It’s the liberal media agenda-driving cha-cha.

• And while the Globe and Mail and Global National TV’s web site went pretty neutral, the liberal-leftists’ Toronto Star was of course only concerned with what their man, the Liberal Frenchman Stephane (“the Green Guru”) Dion thought about it, which is of course the right way to think about it and everything:  “Shuffle won’t alter ‘aloof’ PM, Dion says” with the sub headline: “Liberal leader skeptical of changes to cabinet”.  It’s all about him, see.
And now you should know how to think, you stupid, stupid people!  (And golly, I wonder how that polling will go!)


Joel Johannesen
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