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Bloc-head’s state of inner-bloc-head health should be next Parliamentary tribunal project

Rosie O’Donnell and Gilles Duceppe:  separated at birth?
Rosie O'Donnell Gilles Duceppe

Yesterday, in their continuing but failing effort to develop a conspiracy theory worthy of their favorite show “The View”, Bloc-head members of the socialist Bloc Quebecois Quebecist cult party publicly questioned a good innocent Canadian citizen hockey player’s already proven integrity in an apparent effort to ruin his reputation, and hoping it will make their penises bigger.  They also did this to boost their other needs, such as “looking busy”, and to hopefully boost their failing efforts at being respected politicians, and men of honor, which is ironic as all-get-out because it so backfired. 

And in so doing, yesterday they forced otherwise busy Canadian hockey officials to prostrate themselves before the elites, to defend the innocent hockey player, in public, in front of a Stalinist-style government tribunal of overpaid and under-worked big-brother Canadian political asses and self-anointed elitists from all parties, and the erectile-dysfunctional liberal media. 

Sure we’re in a war in Afghanistan and against terrorists.  Whatever. Quebecists’ penises are at stake.

One of the cult members, a Bloc-head named Luc Malo ([email protected]), suggested that Quebec Frenchmen are a “race”—a separate “race” from other Canadians.  I mentioned this yesterday.  He did that so the Bloc-heads could accuse Canadian citizen hockey players, like the good Christian Canadian Shane Doan, of being a “racist”.  Then I guess they’ll feel better about themselves and their lack of manliness.  Like all liberals, they seek to bring others—the successful Canadians—down, in order to bring themselves up.  It’s all they got.  And it makes them feel better. 

Apparently next week they’re going to badger old ladies—just the ones who are of the “Canadian” race—and only the ones who don’t kneel before any Quebec Frenchman and say “bonjour, and merci, monsieur Quebecois”, as they pass members of the Quebec Frenchmen race on the sidewalks of Anystreet, Canada.

Today, PTBC reader “Exile” (can you blame him?) sent me more news notes on the topic.  It seems the Bloc-head-in-chief, Gilles Duceppe ([email protected]), built on that racist theory yesterday, and now accuses Doan of being like an armed bank robber awaiting criminal trial and prosecution, and of being a “racial profiler”.  This is not unlike when Rosie O’Donnell accused Christians in America of being just like radical Muslim extremists. 

Hockey officials defend Doan, Bloc leader compares him to bank robber

OTTAWA (CP) – Hockey officials’ impassioned defence of Team Canada’s captain left an unimpressed Bloc Quebecois leader comparing Shane Doan to a bank robber and accusing him of racial profiling.

Gilles Duceppe said it was wrong to make Doan captain of Canada’s world championship team while the star forward remains embroiled in two defamation suits related to the alleged anti-French slur.

“When someone robs a bank he’s presumed innocent until proven guilty – but I don’t know many people who’d name them bank manager while the trial’s still on,” Duceppe said.

“They want to name him captain even before the verdict comes in. It makes no sense. It’s an insult to Quebecers.”

[…] “That’s what you call racial profiling,” Duceppe said.

By the way, I’m apparently still suffering from “homophobia”. 

See my first blog entry about this here.
Second blog entry here.


Doan delivers 3 goals in Team Canada win

Last Updated: Friday, May 4, 2007 | 11:31 AM ET
CBC Sports

Shane Doan kept his focus on the ice Friday, notching a hat trick to lead Canada to its fourth straight win at the 2007 men’s world hockey championship.

The Phoenix Coyotes power forward scored twice early in the second period to erase a 1-0 deficit and help his team to a berth in the quarter-finals following a 6-3 win over Belarus in Russia…


Joel Johannesen
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