The latest SES Research survey (just released May 6 2007) reveals just how conflicted and lacking in direction—and compassless—Canadians are with regard to the war in Afghanistan.
This is of course thanks to the liberals’ media which fails to explain things in a fair, balanced, honest, full and complete manner; the liberals’ academia which teaches Islamist appeasement, surrender and dhimmitude; a failure of the current government’s political leadership; and the perfidy of Canada’s liberal political parties who constantly question our mission and claim defeat and call for surrender in the loudest possible way, and quite clearly hope to lose the war in Afghanistan (and in Iraq, and by extension the whole war against Islamofascist jihad) in order to score cheap (or at least what they consider to be cheap) political points even if it ultimately means an end to western civilization.
Here’s one of the the exact questions asked, and the answers:
I am going to read you two statements and I’d like you to tell me which statement best reflects your personal view. [Rotate]
Canadians (N=1,000, MoE ± 3.1%, 19 times out of 20)
– “Casualties are an unfortunate but necessary part of Canada’s mission in Afghanistan.” 39%
– “If the casualties continue, Canada should pull out of Afghanistan.” 55%
– Unprompted – Agree with neither statement 6%
So in the first statement, more people believe that casualties are NOT a necessary part of Canada’s mission in Afghanistan?! A war without casualties? This thus raises the question: What kind of freak-show of an education have Canadians gotten about fighting wars? What kind of media does Canada have, such that Canadians think like this? Who has been teaching Canadians that there is no cost to freedom? Apparently Canadians have been educated by the liberal media and academia and liberals like General Jack (peace, love, and granola) Layton of the you’ve got to be kidding party, as I said.
And then the obedient pop-culture trendy politically correct answer du jour to the other statement: Why yes!, of course!, if we bump up against any trouble out there in what our CBC calls the “so-called” “war” front, we should run away like little girls! Who cares if we lose?! This pantywaist answer raises the question at least among good patriotic conservative Canadians, about whether or not anyone actually thinks beyond today in this country any more, or indeed if anyone gives a crap about our country and way of life any more —or if we’ve just totally given up and succumbed to the liberals’ thinking and whatever that may bring. We already know the liberals think that way.
Personally, I’m still for Canada and our (traditional) way of life. I’m not a liberal.
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