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“Big black sucking holes” (It’s about Larry Campbell!)

During the 2004 election in which Liberal Team Martin / Carolyn Parrish won a minority, then-Vancouver-Mayor Larry Campbell () was heard on national radio to warn that conservatives were—now let me see if I got this right—yup:  barbarians, and that Canadians should vote for anyone but conservatives.  Once again for clarity, the Mayor of Vancouver called Canadians—(conservatives only) —“barbarians”. 

Larry Campbell After the Liberals won the election, then-Prime Minister Paul Martin appointed Campbell to the Senate to sit as a Liberal Senator, which of course he does today.  Sit, I mean.  I assume that seat was a reward for calling certain Canadians with whom Martin and Campbell disagree, “barbarians”.  (That’s perfectly acceptable to liberals.  Don’t try the reverse however.)

Campbell, it should be noted, presided over one of the most extreme left-wing city councils in the history of Vancouver (soundly, mercifully, defeated last election and replaced by a Conservative Party supporter, thank God).  The banner Campbell ran under was COPE, a party arguably founded by communists (this is not mere hyperbole) and whose membership and candidates included, arguably, communists.  One councillor who won a seat at city hall in Campbell’s chamber, Tim Louis, wore a Che Guevara T-shirt to the victory party, which I’m guessing was also not mere hyperbole, since the last thing I remember reading about him was this quote from a Vancouver Courier article:

“Yes, I am a communist if that means what we’re talking about when we look at Cuba and what Fidel Castro has accomplished. I don’t think I can agree that I’m any one [political belief] exclusively, but I am a bit of many.”

And just for the sake of interest, this is the same party for which far-left socialist NDPers Svend Robinson and Libby Davies, among other such luminaries, sat as councillors at Vancouver City Hall.

Yesterday Larry Campbell weighed-in on the Harper Conservative plan to limit Senate terms to eight years.

OTTAWA—Former Vancouver mayor Larry Campbell, at 58 one of B.C.‘s youngest senators, said Prime Minister Stephen Harper lacks the courage to undertake anything more than partial Senate reform.

He ridiculed Harper, whose Conservative government introduced a bill this week limiting new senators to eight-year terms, for not launching full-scale constitutional negotiations with the provinces to give B.C. a fairer share of Senate seats.

[…] “I view this [as] just a publicity stunt by the prime minister, so when the election comes he says, ‘there, I promised Senate reform and I started on it,’” said Campbell, who will hit the mandatory retirement age of 75 in 2023.

“Rather than have the guts to open the Constitution, which is a big sucking black hole for the Conservatives, they’re doing this piecemeal.”

The only big sucking black hole I could find upon investigation was the Canadian Senate, which is the biggest sucking black hole in all the land.  And Campbell is set for life in that sucking black hole, from whence he thinks he should sit and make pronouncements as if a wise man with power and moral authority, and as if he in any way deserves to be there. 

Laugh at the silly man in the Senate, folks, while you have the chance. 

While he mused that he might quit and run in a Senate election, he wouldn’t make a firm commitment to seek a democratic mandate.

“I’ve basically said okay, I’ve given up private industry, I’ve given up all the rest of it to come here to Ottawa. I’d have to see what the whole package is and right now we aren’t seeing it.”

…and yet he’s already pre-determined that it’s all so ridiculous.  But upon investigation, the only “private industry” I could find was in the big sucking black pie hole in his head.  He was Mayor of Vancouver, and before that (from 1969) a policeman, and he then worked for the government of British Columbia’s Ministry of Attorney General as a coroner for the city.  Now he’s a patronage appointee who was, I would argue, appointed (for life, practically), at our expense, for calling conservatives (that’s us) “barbarians”.  Private industry?  Perhaps he should get a job baking pies.  For liberals only, please.

Joel Johannesen
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